Love Nikki-Dress UP Queen! Wiki
Love Nikki-Dress UP Queen! Wiki

Overview Desert Mirage Song of Fate Misty Star Trails Anniversary Red Pack

Guiding Star is a hell event that ran from April 11th to the 28th, 2024.

It is the event for the Guiding Star series of Story Suits.

How to Play[]

Enter the Guiding Star section to draw in the event pavilion. Before drawing, players are presented with a pair of two divination cards, with each card representing one of the major suits. Choosing a card will give the corresponding suit's tokens an increased chance to drop. Upon completing the selected suit, a new choice will be presented.

The divination card choices are given in a set order. The cards for Night Prayers (Holy Candle) and Ashen Chant (Quaint Bronze Bell) are unlocked for the first decision. The card for Wisdom and Compassion (Frozen Plum Branch) is unlocked for the second decision. The card for Fragrant Afternoon (Wonderful Watercolor) is unlocked for the third decision.

Draw using Diamonds or Revelation Stardust Revelation Stardust to collect Holy Candles Holy Candle, Quaint Bronze Bells Quaint Bronze Bell, Frozen Plum Branches Frozen Plum Branch, and Wonderful Watercolors Wonderful Watercolor. During the first run, a free draw is given every day. Additional chances can be bought for 50 Diamonds each. Players can also draw 10 times for 500 Diamonds or 50 times for 2,500 Diamonds. Each draw returns either an event token or a minor suit item.

The avatar pendant Card of Fate can be gained, with 40 hours being added for each draw in the event. Every 12 draws, open the Fate Casket to obtain Diamonds, Stamina, or Gold.

Collecting a certain amount of each currency allows players to obtain parts of the four event suits in a set tiered format.

Obtain a certain number of story suits to claim the Fate Display rewards. After obtaining all story suits, choose the new divination card and collect Fate Astrolabes Fate Astrolabe to unlock super rare items.

Reach top 200 in the Starlit Path Leaderboard ranking during the first season of the event to obtain the Snowland Melody avatar frame.


For each suit: 7, 18, 28, 38, 50 of the corresponding token

Night Prayers[]

Expand to view tiers.

# of Holy Candles Holy Candle Rewards
7 Journey of Revelations Journey of Revelations
Concert of Shadows Concert of Shadows
Pious Utterance Pious Utterance
18 Silent Prayer Silent Prayer
Between Light and Darkness Between Light and Darkness
Unknown Origin Unknown Origin
28 Mirage of Thoughts Mirage of Thoughts
Veiled Mist (Veil) Veiled Mist
Majestic Crown Majestic Crown
Glimmering Candlelight Glimmering Candlelight
38 Echoes of the Void Echoes of the Void
Divine Descent Divine Descent
Ashen Hymn Ashen Hymn
Boundless Radiance Boundless Radiance
50 Steps of Wishes Steps of Wishes
Flower of the Abyss Flower of the Abyss
Divine Whispers Divine Whispers

Ashen Chant[]

Expand to view tiers.

# of Quaint Bronze Bells Quaint Bronze Bell Rewards
7 Deer's Journey Deer's Journey
Dawn Till Dusk Dawn Till Dusk
Tale of Life Tale of Life
18 Mountain Days Mountain Days
Enchanting Ceremony Enchanting Ceremony
Bells of Old Bells of Old
Enlightened Radiance Enlightened Radiance
28 Story of the East Story of the East
Endless Snow Endless Snow
Circle of Life Circle of Life
Perceptive Deer Perceptive Deer
38 Grace of Nature Grace of Nature
Lights of Divinity Lights of Divinity
Woodland's Depths Woodland's Depths
Plumes of Afar Plumes of Afar
50 Eternal Dream (Brooch) Eternal Dream
Claws of Mud Claws of Mud
Glacial Summit Glacial Summit
Wintry Surge Wintry Surge

Wisdom and Compassion[]

Expand to view tiers.

# of Frozen Plum Branches Frozen Plum Branch Rewards
7 Half Hidden Tale Half Hidden Tale
Legend of the Painter Legend of the Painter
Yin Yang Harmony Yin Yang Harmony
18 Azure Waters Azure Waters
Azure Dwellings Azure Dwellings
Encaptivating Words Encaptivating Words
28 Journeying Afar Journeying Afar
Whirling Clouds Whirling Clouds
Destined Encounter Destined Encounter
Magical Journey Magical Journey
38 Mountain Hermit Mountain Hermit
Ode to Love Ode to Love
Faraway Ambition Faraway Ambition
Circling Clouds Circling Clouds
50 Enlightened Spirit Enlightened Spirit
Ink Painting of Tiger Ink Painting of Tiger
Mountains and Rivers Mountains and Rivers
Lifetime Story (Face) Lifetime Story

Fragrant Afternoon[]

Expand to view tiers.

# of Wonderful Watercolor Wonderful Watercolor Rewards
7 Gentle Ripple Gentle Ripple
Source of Enlightenment Source of Enlightenment
Mirage of Life Mirage of Life
18 Magnum Opus Magnum Opus
Tepid Breeze Tepid Breeze
Esteemed Fame Esteemed Fame
28 Inseparable Companion Inseparable Companion
Dreams of Vien Dreams of Vien
Fairy Dwelling Fairy Dwelling
38 Eternal Blossom Eternal Blossom
Undivided Dedication Undivided Dedication
Rural Beauty Rural Beauty
50 Serene Enjoyment Serene Enjoyment
Painting of Hearts Painting of Hearts
Country Tale Country Tale
Midnoon Adventure Midnoon Adventure


  • Revelation Stardust Special Pack: 12 Revelation Stardust and Coming soon... VIP Exp for $4.99 USD (Max 2)
  • Revelation Stardust Value Pack: 4 Revelation Stardust and Coming soon... VIP Exp for $1.99 USD (Max 1)
  • Revelation Stardust Boost Pack: 18 Revelation Stardust and Coming soon... VIP Exp for $9.99? USD (Max 2)
  • Revelation Stardust Pack (S): 35 Revelation Stardust and Coming soon... VIP Exp for $19.99 USD (Max 2)
  • Revelation Stardust Pack (L): 75 Revelation Stardust and Coming soon... VIP Exp for Coming soon... USD (Max 2)


Major Suits[]

Minor Suits[]

Super Rare Items[]

Envoy of Fate

Suit: Envoy of Fate
Items drop at the following milestones:

Secret of Ages Necklace: Secret of Ages — 6 Fate Astrolabe
Silent Questions Veil: Silent Questions — 24 Fate Astrolabe
Spiritual Enlightenment Background: Spiritual Enlightenment — 36 Fate Astrolabe
Soundless Cosmos Hair: Soundless Cosmos — 60 Fate Astrolabe
Waters of Clarity Head Ornament: Waters of Clarity — 75 Fate Astrolabe
Unknown Enlightenment Makeup: Unknown Enlightenment — 102 Fate Astrolabe
Stellar Path Foreground: Stellar Path — 126 Fate Astrolabe
Envoy of Fate (Dress) Dress: Envoy of Fate — 153 Fate Astrolabe
Hushed Radiance Coat: Hushed Radiance — 159 Fate Astrolabe
Symphony of Stars Hair Ornament: Symphony of Stars — 165 Fate Astrolabe
Fortune's Signs Bracelet (Right): Fortune's Signs — 171 Fate Astrolabe
Hopes of Tomorrow Shoes: Hopes of Tomorrow — 177 Fate Astrolabe

Fate Display[]

# of Story Suits Reward
1 Chapter of Destiny Chapter of Destiny
2 Heart Phantom avatar
3 Fragrance Collection avatar frame
4 Gear of Fate background

