- (The old lady seems to know nothing about the chaos at the entrance and introduces different flowers. They loiter around the greenhouse to keep an eye on the neighborhood.)
- (Suddenly, a plume of black smoke rises from a farmhouse nearby, sending an unsettling signal.)
- Cali: Look, that place is on fire, right?
- Nikki: We'd better go there to see what happened.
- (They hurry to the farmhouse, only to find a pile of straw burning with a low flame.)
- (Beside the straw, there is a small firewood room, where a familiar voice comes out.)
- ??: Nikki, Nikki! We're here!
- Nikki: Ace? That's Ace's voice! They're in the firewood room!
- Cali: What if the fire gets bigger? We need to rescue them right now.
- Momo: Wait! If you break into the room like this, you'll get hurt!
- Cali: We should put on these wet warm clothes before getting into this room.
- Nikki: Alright. Hurry up!
- (The flame has spread from the rear to the left side, but luckily not the front door yet.)
- (There is a heavy iron lock on the door.)
- Nikki: There is an axe over there. Let me see if I can smash this lock open.
- Momo: I can help. We have to get Ace and Queen Elle out of there.
- Cali: Don't worry. I can handle this.
- (Cali finds a piece of iron wire and uses it to open the lock easily.)
- Momo: I can't believe such a cutie like Cali knows how to pick a lock!
- Cali: I learned it to protect myself in case of any emergencies.
- (As the door opens, Ace and Elle walk out immediately.)
- Ace: Thank you very much.
- Nikki: We'd better get out of here first.
- (They run all the way to a distant place. Seeing no one is chasing, they stop for a short rest.)
- Cali: Alas... They won't find us now.
- Nikki: Your Majesty, Ace, are you alright?
- Elle: We're fine.
- Momo: These villagers are so brutal! How dare them[sic] try to murder the Queen and the Princess?
- Ace: I set the fire, actually, not them.
- Momo: What? Ace! Why would you put your life at risk?
- Ace: I saw you guys passing by. But if I yelled, the guards would hear, and it'd be harder for you to help us out.
- Elle: Ace found two flintstones in the room and set a husk on fire. Then, she threw it to ignite that pile of straw, attracting your attention and forcing the guards to fetch water.
- Momo: Through that tiny window? How could you make it?
- Cali: That's something you don't know. Princess Ace is our greatest archer in Pigeon Kingdom!
- Nikki: No matter what, this is too risky. Thank God you are alright.
- Elle: Staying there will only bring more unknown risks, so why not give it a try?