Story: Nikki tried to resonate with the necklace of the teenager and found that the gem pendant could influence people's emotions. What's even more disturbing is that the necklace was obtained by the teenager from League Tyr soldiers, who claimed it could even suppress the Curse of Blood...
- (Nikki closes her eyes, trying to resonate with the gem. A few minutes later, she opens her eyes.)
- Nikki: I felt that this gem has a strong ability to affect people's emotions.
- Agata: Emotions...?
- Momo: Ah, I see!
- Nikki: Momo, did you find anything?
- Momo: Nikki, do you remember how suspicious Kane looked on our way to Lena? And Agata also told us that she seems to be easy to fall into memories recently.
- Momo: The moment you put your hand on this necklace just now, you said you felt a little bit uneasy!
- Kane: It was also why he suddenly fell into madness just now, right?
- (The boy takes the necklace in Nikki's hand, and strokes the gem on the necklace in a panic.)
- Young Man: But... I don't see anything unusual with this necklace...
- Kane: Where did you get it?
- Young Man: It has been mine all this time!
- Agata: Why don't you be honest with us?
- (The boy hesitates a little bit before telling everyone where the necklace came from, perhaps because Agata saved his life just now.)
- Young Man: Last month, I met a drunk man in a restaurant in White Rock City. He was holding this necklace and boasting to others in the restaurant how valuable the necklace was.
- Young Man: He said the Curse of Blood could be suppressed by this necklace. As no one believed him, he insisted on a styling competition, and promised to give the necklace to me if I won.
- Young Man: I agreed on impulse. But he did give it to me when I won the competition! It's just...
- (Speaking of this, the boy appears somewhat hesitant.)
- Agata: Alright, I will clear my chest of it all!
- Young Man: Alright, I will make a clean breast of it all!
- Young Man: Early the next morning, I found that the restaurant was surrounded by soldiers. That's when I got to know that the man was an officer of League Tyr!
- Nikki: You mean this necklace has something to do with League Tyr?!
- Young Man: Yes. He even slandered me for defrauding him. A wanted poster was issued against me!
- Young Man: I knew what would happen to me if I'm caught by League Tyr. So I left White Rock City for Harrod.
- Agata: If this necklace is something important to League Tyr, I don't think they will let go easily.
- Kane: But we are safe here on Harrod at the very least.
- Agata: Hopefully so.