- (In the lounge, Orlando looks at Kimi with a solemn gaze. Kimi is wordless, lost in thought. There's a heaviness in the air.)
- Orlando: Nikki, you're just in time.
- Nikki: Momo just saw you hurrying toward Kimi. What's wrong?
- Orlando: I received intelligence that an assassination attempt will be made on Kimi's life tonight.
- Nikki: Assassination?!
- Orlando: Yes, so I'm trying to talk Kimi into canceling tonight's speech.
- Kimi: I'm not canceling the speech, Orlando, but I do hope you can prevent the assassination.
- Orlando: Sorry... I can't give you any promises.
- Kimi: Have a little faith in yourself.
- Orlando: The risk is still there no matter how tight the security is. Besides, it's not worth risking your life to give a speech.
- Kimi: No, but this might be our best chance of catching whoever is behind this.
- Kimi: And trust me, I'm not one to risk my life for no reason.
- (Looking at Kimi's determined expression, Orlando sighs softly.)
- Orlando: Fine. I'll do all I can to make sure the speech goes as planned.
- Nikki: I'll join Orlando in finding out the mastermind.
- Kimi: Nikki, no. You should stay here, where you'll be safe.
- Nikki: How can I sit by while your life is in danger? I must do something, anything.
- Nikki: Kimi, have you forgotten what you just said to me? You said if I were you, you'd do the same.
- (For a moment, Kimi feels her eyes getting hot. But almost immediately she regains he composure.)
- Kimi: Okay, I believe in you, but promise me, stay safe.
- Nikki: Okay, you too.
- (Kimi walks out of the lounge. Since she has a speech to deliver tonight, she can't be gone for too long.)
- Nikki: Orlando, would you mind bringing me up to speed?
- Orlando: Given the tight security, it's unlikely they'll attempt anything inside the venue. They'll probably send a sniper to hide nearby and pull the trigger when Kimi comes on stage.
- Orlando: I've sent someone to scout the area for possible vantage points for sniping. We must locate the sniper as soon as possible.
- Nikki: Okay, let's go.
- Orlando: You'll draw suspicion if you leave now. Some guests from the Cloud Empire are on their way here. You should dress as a graceful Cloud Lady and make your move when they arrive.
There is no concluding dialogue.