- (Victor Square, Brick Street.)
- (Staffers scurry around, setting the stage for the speech that's about to begin.)
- Orlando: You've come, Miss Kimi.
- Nikki: Orlando, what brings you here?
- Orlando: Miss Kimi has been on a speech tour, and I was invited to serve as her security advisor.
- Kimi: Thanks to Orlando, I can focus on my speech without worrying about my safety.
- Orlando: I'm merely doing my job. It's getting late. I need to head back and do a final security check. Excuse me.
- Kimi: Thank you, Orlando.
- Momo: Huh? Why don't I see Joe?
- Kimi: Joe took over my work at the Group so I can focus on the campaign.
- Nikki: Oh, Kimi, I haven't had the chance to ask, but why did you decide to run for president all of a sudden?
- (Kimi looks up at the tall buildings lining the streets. Each one of them is beautiful, dreamy, with surfaces gleaming fiercely in the sun.)
- Kimi: The Apple Federation may look prosperous on the surface, but it's rotten underneath. It's on its way to becoming a hollowed-out husk.
- Kimi: Many people can't see it—or rather they simply close their eyes to it. All they care about is getting a piece of the pie before the Federation goes under.
- Nikki: Just like the people... who stole the White Blossom?
- Kimi: Yes. But they won't stop there. For those people, a 'nation' is nothing more than just a status symbol.
- (Suddenly, a staffer holding a bouquet of flowers walks up to Kimi and interrupts their conversation.)
- Worker: Miss Kimi, someone just sent flowers.
- Kimi: Bring them to my assistant.
- Worker: But... the person who sent them insisted that I deliver them to you.
- (Kimi, looking bewildered, gives in and takes the flowers.)
- (It's a bouquet of beautifully wrapped white roses, with glittering dew perching on the petals. In the midst of the blossoms sits a card printed with golden letters.)
- Nikki: Are those from one of your supporters?
- Kimi: I don't know. But those white roses remind me of the high-end customized series the group recently released.
- Momo: I think I saw the ad. Is it the one where a beautiful woman wakes up on a bed strewn with roses?
- Kimi: Yes, that's the one.
- Kimi: It's been a while since I had a styling competition with Nikki. What do you way we have one right now, under the theme of Elegant Flower Skirt?
There is no concluding dialogue.