Story: Chenxi came to the desert nearby Stardust Remains alone. The dune turned out to be a disguised aircraft, and who's the man calling Chenxi on the aircraft?
- (A desert near Stardust Remains.)
- (With Eleven by his side, Chenxi came to a dune alone.)
- Chenxi: Eleven, reveal the disguise and open that cabin door.
- Eleven: Yes, Master.
- (That dune suddenly disappeared and was replaced by an aircraft.)
- (Chenxi entered into the aircraft and turned on a device. A holographic male figure appeared in the cabin instantly.)
- Man: Chenxi, I've already contacted the president of the Apple Apparel Group. And what have you got?
- Chenxi: We found the plane factory recorded in the archives, but there wasn't much useful information.
- Man: Alright. That's not surprising since most of the materials had been brought to Ruin.
- Chenxi: But there's a windfall this time.
- Man: Oh? I'm all ears.
- Chenxi: We came across the mission target at Stardust Remains, so now we're actually ahead of schedule.
- Man: That's good news. I'm curious... How is she compared to her image in the materials?
- Chenxi: She's more interesting than I thought, and quite distinctive.
- Man: It's not often that you speak highly of someone. Now I look forward to meeting her more than ever.
- Chenxi: You still have your mission to focus on.
- Man: Huh, I'm well aware.