- (Sunset came, dim sunshine shone upon skyscrapers, reflecting glaring rays.)
- Momo: In the end, Ace didn't meet Berta, nor did Berta answer Nikki's questions. It feels like we came for nothing!
- Nikki: I've been thinking about what Berta said. What is the variable she mentioned...?
- Momo: She also said that the result approaches zero, meaning that it's impossible!
- Ace: Berta knew about the destruction of the continent from the beginning. Didn't she do anything?
- Chenxi: From the beginning of the New Era, Berta inherited the people's strong will to live, in the form of the new Lonely Whale, the last hope of Ruin.
- (Chenxi pointed towards a building by the sea.)
- Ace: What's that place?
- Chenxi: It's where the previous Lonely Whale was built. In the future, it will be where the new one is born.
- Ace: What exactly is the new Lonely Whale? I suppose it won't just be an average ship like the old one.
- Chenxi: No it won't. Ruin is building a spaceship to carry its people to the vast universe.
- Ace: They'll leave this continent... Has that been what Ruin is busy doing?
- Momo: Nikki, why are you spellbound?
- Nikki: Something doesn't add up to me. When I questioned Berta, she wanted to answer me at first but soon started to talk about something else instead.
- Chenxi: Berta's calculation speed is far beyond your imagination. She is calculating at high speed every second, and alters her behavior based on the results.
- Nikki: Is that true?
- Chenxi: Humans also change what they're about to say when their predicted results differ from their intentions, don't they?
- Nikki: Indeed... I once thought that I was talking to a real person when I was speaking with Berta.
- (Without speaking, Chenxi contemplated while looking at Nikki.)
- Momo: Wow! Nikki, look! What's this?
- (Momo peered through a window of a building nearby. There were so many transparent petri dishes in the room, which seemed to be growing fruit of some kind.)
- Chenxi: That is a base where Ruin grows crops. What you're looking at are oranges.
- Nikki: Oranges grow from petri dishes?
- Momo: Ruin's fruits don't grow on trees?
- Ace: But I see no plants around alright?
- Chenxi: Growing food on land is too inefficient, so we developed more efficient technology a long time ago.
- Nikki: But if this is so, won't we lose the fun of picking fruits?
- Chenxi: Why must you place your pleasure on such outdated activities?
- Momo: ... Nikki, style a set of orange picking clothing now! Show him how fun picking oranges is!
There is no concluding dialogue.