- (The screen flickered again. The desert scene was replaced by a spaceship in the vast sky.)
- Berta: It's all in the past. Humans once inflicted too many tragedies on this continent. And now, humans should look forward to the future ahead.
- Nikki: The future ahead... But Chenxi told us that you predicted the destruction of Miraland...
- Berta: Yes. But the future of humankind may not lie on this continent.
- Momo: Wow! Cold you please spell it out for me?
- Berta: Ruin has been seeking for a way to escape before the destruction of Miraland.
- Nikki: ... Is Miraland doomed to be destroyed? Can't we do anything to stop it?
- Berta: There is a variable I can't seem to calculate that may affect this supposedly unstoppable destruction. But when one is divided by infinity, it tends to approach zero infinitely.
- Nikki: ...
- Momo: What does the great escape mean?
- Berta: The people of Ruin will build another Lonely Whale to fly away from the continent.
- Nikki: But... but what about the rest of the people? How will they survive the destruction of Miraland?
- Berta: I cannot decide the destiny of those beyond Ruin.
- Berta: But your question is an interesting one. If one of thousands of paths leading to the destruction would guide you to the unknown, how would you choose?
- Nikki: I...
- (Nikki took a deep breath as if she had made up her mind.)
- Nikki: If there is a way to the unknown, then its destination would also be full of countless possibilities. Amongst them, there'll be a chance to stop the destruction of Miraland.
- Berta: What if it is a path to a worse ending?
- Momo: What is worse than total destruction?
- Nikki: I believe that there is a way to save the continent and escape destiny.
- Nikki: And I'll try to find this way, to protect the continent and its people with all my might.
- Momo: Nikki! I am sure you can!
- Berta: You remind me of someone who was also hopeful and passionate about the world like you.
- (Although aware that she was only hearing a synthesized voice, Nikki suddenly came under the impression that the Berta she was talking to was just another ordinary being.)
- Nikki: Is the person you mentioned... the doctor who invented the computer?
- Berta: You are very smart, Nikki. The doctor was always a minimalist and the current fashion of Ruin is mostly influenced by his style.
- Berta: I know that outside of Ruin, styling competitions are very popular. Let's have one with the theme simple daily clothing. What do you say?
- Berta: I sense doubts in your mind, but they don't need to be answered because you've already figured it out. Just move forward towards your aim. I'm also curious about the unknown.
- (When Berta was done talking, the screen turned off without any signs at all.)
- (The lights went down in the room. Only the one at the door was still lit, as if it's a guide.)