- Momo: I...I can't move! I should have eaten more, so instead of walking, I could just roll like a ball!
- Bobo: I know it's a long way from Long Street to Moonlit City, but I got to admit that I'm surprised by your straightforwardness...
- Nikki: Momo, look! The gate tower's right ahead of us. We are almost there!
- Momo: Is that grilled fish hanging on the tower?
- Passerby Girl: Nope. Silly cat, those are red lanterns, not grilled fish.
- Nikki: Hey!...Hello! Are you from Moonlit City?
- Passerby Girl: Heehee. Yes, I am! Moonlit City is my home!
- Momo: There seems to be something wrong with this girl...
- Passerby Girl: Fatty Kitty, be careful or I'll lock you up!
- Bobo: Stay away from Momo!
- Passerby Girl: Hahaha, kidding~ kidding!
- Nikki: Could you please tell us how we can get to the Silk Shop in Moonlit City? We need to go there to look for a friend.
- Passerby Girl: The Silk Shop? Of course! But you need to defeat me first!
- Momo: I knew it...
- Passerby Girl: This fat cat is so funny! Let's dress ourselves in clothes with animals on it to see who is cuter!
There is no concluding dialogue.