- Bobo: Ah, that's Fu Su!
- Nikki: Fu Su, we saw your mirror image just now...
- Fu Su: I know, and you've passed another round.
- Lunar: I wonder what's the relationship between you and the designer in the ancient pavilion, or are you...
- Fu Su: I think it's time to open the long-sealed gate.
- Nikki: The gate to the ancient pavilion has opened!
- Fu Su: Nikki, keep going on bravely. You will face the tests from the four flower field fairies.
- Fu Su: After you receive their affirmation and blessing, I will explain everything to you on the roof.
- Bobo: He... He disappeared?!
- Momo: Look! When did the pink fairy appear?!
- Flower Field Fairy: I'm Spring, a Flower Field illusion and it's my job to protect the ward of the ancient pavilion. It must have been tough for you to come this far.
- Spring: It's been a long time since I last saw someone from outside, she was a fine lady who looked just like you...
- Spring: Alas, it's been very quiet here for a long while now, ever since the master left...
- Nikki: Hi, are you the Flower Field Fairy that Fu Su told me about?
- Spring: Ah, sorry, I'm used to talking to myself. Sorry for being rude.
- Spring: If you get past this round, you can meet the Summer Fairy upstairs. She must be eager to meet the new visitors.
- Spring: It's been so long since I've seen the outside world, so how about an elegant, fashionable ordinary dress? Just one requirement, it must contain the classic Cloud Empire elements.
- Bobo: She must have been all alone for a long time... that's miserable...
There is no concluding dialogue.