- Bobo: Momo, did you notice that it's suddenly getting crowded here? Is our competition too high-profile?
- Momo: Is that why you suddenly lowered your voice and began whispering to me?...
- Lunar: I think people are gathering around because Nikki and Royce's designs are obviously the best.
- Royce: Nikki, you are a walking wonder! One more round. If you win, I'll design for you in the future.
- Neva: Master, isn't that too rash? Your design should go through the standard procedure to serve the nobility.
- Royce: This is my decision and mine alone. You should understand my joy in finding such a gem.
- Nikki: Royce, what's our theme for this time?
- Royce: You look adorable when restless. How about Angel In White?
- Lunar: I suggest you try other designs, Nikki has beaten me at that already.
- Royce: Uh...then I will pick the doctor theme, let's see how well Nikki can design an Elegant Simple White Uniform.
- Royce: By the way, I need another model this time. The sassy doctor theme doesn't suit Neva!
There is no concluding dialogue.