- Lunar: I have to admit, every time I see Nikki styling, I have this urge to come up with a better design.
- Lunar: Nikki can always show the best side of clothes.
- Bobo: I get so pumped every time the results of Nikki's dress up battles are released!
- Momo: Nikki, are you beginning to fall in love with this world like I am?
- Nikki: Yeah! We've met a lot of nice people around here!
- Nikki: Well, besides Bobo and Lunar, there was also Toto, Timi, Lisa, Vivi, Sofia and Annabel...they all triggered my passion for styling and design.
- Nikki: Though I still don't understand why the Lilith Queen summoned me. I really want to spend more time here!
- Bobo: Lunar, the last two times is was your model who wore your designs. How about you try it on yourself this time? Compete with Nikki with your ultimate work!
- Momo: I know, I know! Choose the beautiful celestial Han outfit as the theme. Lunar and Nikki look best in Han outfits!
- Lunar: Sure, I've improved the one I made in Wheat Field. I'll try it on again.
There is no concluding dialogue.