- Nikki: So this is the academy of design's artwork gallery! It's such a splendid building!
- Bobo: All the classical works in the Designer's Tea Party will be exhibited here.
- Momo: That Royce guy also said something about the Designer's Tea Party. He advised Nikki to take part in it.
- Nikki: Want to go to Wintermount after the show ends? Maybe we will be on time for the party!
- Bobo: You in the front! Wait!
- Secretary Suit Lady: What...What's the matter?
- Bobo: Don't be so nervous...
- Bobo: I just think your suit is so distinguished, and seems to be high quality and tailor made!
- Secretary Suit Lady: Of course, this is the Prime Minis- No, nothing.
- Nikki: Prime Minister? You are the Prime Minister's secretary??
- Secretary Suit Lady: I didn't say anything, I'm leaving!
- Bobo: It's rare to see such distinguished formal wear. Could you please compete with Nikki? Ok It's settled!
- Bobo: Oh by the way, what's your name?
- Secretary Suit Lady: My name is Yvette, I'm a government employee of the Lilith Kingdom...
- Bobo: What a coincidence! Nice to meet you. Let's be friends!
- Prime Minister: You kept me waiting that long just for a production report?
- Yvette: Sir, so...sorry! I was dragged into a competition by a student I met on the way, so...
- Prime Minister: Did you win?
- Yvette: ......Sorry, I .....
- Prime Minister: If one does not have power he will be eliminated. Remember this and accompany me now to the conference.