- Director next door: I didn't expect to meet such a great stylist here!
- Director next door: I'm the director of Romeo and Cinderella. May I have the pleasure of making your acquaintance?
- Nikki: Oh hi, I'm Nikki. Very nice to meet you.
- Director next door: Sofia from the December Troupe has the precious ball gown 'Star Sea'.
- Director next door: If we don't work hard on the style of the hero, our style will certainly not be as popular as the Candy Witch and Star Sea.
- Director next door: Please provide us with some inspiration for Romeo's style!
- Momo: But you've only got Cinderella's sister over here, where's your Romeo?
- Director next door: Our lead actor is not here today, but I just caught a young man in the lobby. Let's make him his stand-in to compete with Nikki!
- Royce: What the heck?! I'm just here looking for a friend; why am I being forced to to join a styling match?
- Nikki: Ah, it's the boy we saw at the entrance!
- Nikki: Hi, I'm Nikki. I came here to see the rehearsal.
- Director next door: Cut the small talk! Transform into a brave and debonair Romeo!
- Royce: Not unless you promise first not to tell any strange women that you've seen me!!
- Royce: I really didn't expect to meet such an amazing stylist today.
- Royce: Nikki, you really should go attend the Designer's Tea Party in Wintermount.
- Nikki: The Designer's Tea Party?
- Royce: Yes, it's an annual pageant for designers and stylists.
- Royce: I have to go now. Remember to give my best wishes to the chief of the December Troupe.
- Nikki: Sure! I'll remember that!
- Royce: Farewell! Looking forward to seeing you again in Wintermount.