- (Nikki grabs the case, and makes a run for the door with Kimi and the others)
- (Bang!)
- Bobo: Ah!!
- (Ozeca bursts into laughter at the sight of Bobo, who had just tripped over some racks)
- Ozeca: Commander, are you sure you should be pointing that gun at me?
- Momo: Bobo!!!
- Nikki: Bobo...
- Kimi: ...
- (The door to the armory suddenly opens. Shade is standing just within, his gun aimed at Bobo)
- Bobo: (In dismay) ...I...I'm sorry... I didn't mean to...
- Ozeca: Shade, eliminate them and take back White Blossom!
- (Orlando switches off his gun's safety loudly, and presses the loaded weapon into Ozeca's temple)
- (Shade glances at Ozeca, then at Nikki and Kimi near the door, then puts down his gun)
- Shade: My quest has been completed. I have nothing to do with White Blossom any longer.
- Orlando: You...
- (Nikki runs up and grabs Bobo) Let's go!!!
- (The girls disappear through the door. Orlando lets Ozeca go, and slowly steps back towards the door)
- Shade: Wait.
- (Shade raises his gun again, this time pointing it at Orlando's heart)
- Shade: You're not going to thank me, Commander?
- Orlando: ...
- Shade: Just kidding.
- Shade: (He looks at Orlando and lowers the gun) You didn't fire. We're even now.
- Orlando: ...Thanks.
- (Orlando leaves, and catches up to Nikki and the others. Together, they leave the outpost and finally arrive at Losol City before night falls)
- (To their surprise, Losol City is by no means the shady city they'd imagined.)
- (On the contrary, the streets are well organized. Banks, hospitals, hotels, shopping malls... every imaginable modern facility can be seen)
- Kimi: I didn't expect Losol City to actually be like this...Maybe it's not as scary as people say?
- Orlando: This city of sin operates under its own laws and axioms, and the people who reside in this gray area have their own way of living, as well.
- Orlando: You'll understand much more once we arrive at Losol Church.
- Nikki: A church?...but why would a chaotic, underground city need a church?
- (After walking past a number of streets, steeples and statues began to appear before them. Orlando goes up to greet a red-haired nun holding a gun in front of the church)
- Orlando: Azula, these are my friends; they will be staying in the city for two or three days. May I ask you to look after them during their stay?
- Azula: ...Friends? They are your friends, Orlando; not mine. You haven't forgotten the creed of Losol Church, have you? We do not accept the weak.
- Azula: Now, children, prove your strength to me with a ninja outfit
There is no concluding dialogue.