Story: From Haru's cousin Bai Yongxi, a lot of people like Nikki heard knew the War of Cloud Summit. Beautiful designs welcoming the New Year is a tradition of the Cloud Empire.
- Bai Yongxi: Bai Jinjin met you all when she ran away? It's too naive to infuriate her dad and make herself suffer that much.
- Bai Yongxi: You were but strangers to her, yet you helped her so much. As her brother, I thank you all.
- Nikki: Bai Jinjin is a skilled stylist. We learned so much from her! How is she doing now?
- Bai Yongxi: Since that incident, her father was stricter. As the new year draws near, she is kept at home preparing for the ceremony.
- Bobo: Hey, if she is at home preparing the ceremony, why are you in Welton for the auction?
- Bai Yongxi: Now that she cannot go out, I, as her brother, have to fulfill her wishes and buy the newest Apple clothes for her.
- Bobo: I suddenly feel very envious of Bai Jinjin...If I had this kind of brother, everything would be wonderful...
- Momo: It seems Bai Jinjin likes the Apple Federation's clothing style... simply because she is influenced by her brother...
- Bai Yongxi: I think it's time to go. If it pleases you, you are welcome in the Cloud Empire and I'm sure Jinjin are happy to see you.
- Momo: Hey, why is he going back to the Cloud Empire so soon...
- Lu Yinian: Ah! The War of Cloud Summit! Every New Year's Eve, the four families will have a great showdown to celebrate the new year!
- Lu Yinian: This year, people are looking forward to the design of the Bai Family~
- This stage, like the other side stories, takes no stamina to run and drops no ingredients.