Story: At the entrance of the banquet hall, Nikki run into two dressed up guests of the Cloud Empire! But these two people's dialogues, why do they sound so weird?
- Cloud Traveler: Yuanbao, how have you been since we last parted?
- Jia Yuanbao: Brother Bai! Brother Bai! What a surprise to see you here! Your family finally let you out?
- Bai Yongxi: Fortunately, I didn't miss the White Cherry Banquet.
- Jia Yuanbao: Oh? No one thought you would be able to come. There isn't an invitation prepared for you... Will you be able to get in?
- Bai Yongxi: Yuanbao, take this. I just need to borrow one thing. I'll go in first.
- Jia Yuanbao: What? A police badge?! What are you borrowing this time? Huh?! How did you get in?! Weird...never mind, I will ask him later.
- Jia Yuanbao: Ah?! Where's my invitation? Bai Yongxi, stop! As a noble of the four great families [sic][1] and a friend, you cannot do this to me!
- Momo: ...Who are these four great families of Cloud? They don't sound like a very reliable group...
- Bobo: But he looks so pitiful... Nikki, Joe prepared quite a few spare invitation letters. Should we give him one?
- Nikki: Even though he speaks strangely, he does not seem to be a bad person... Yes, let's give him one.
- Nikki: Hello, we have an invitation letter. Could this be of any use to you...?
- Jia Yuanbao: Ah! Angel! Goddess! Venus of the Sea! Diana of the Moon!
- Bobo: What in the world is he saying...
- Momo: I suddenly felt a pinch of regret... Maybe giving an invitation to him was wrong...
- Jia Yuanbao: Hey, don't leave. You are all good people. Let me give you this police badge from Bai Yongxi! Many thanks~
- Obtained: Federal Police Badge
- This stage, like the other side stories, takes no stamina to run and drops no ingredients.
- ↑ Although the English translation looks similar to the Four Clans of Cloud, the original Chinese text used the word "云京四少", which means "the four young masters of Cloud Capital".