Story: Three Iron Rose stylists arrive in Cloud City as Nikki and Nidhogg engage in bitter combat. From miles away, Queen Elle also wishes to enter the fray...
- (On the wall)
- Mela: Little girl, you dare to challenge Nidhogg. You are quite brave!
- Nikki: ...
- Bobo: The Iron Rose Legion?!
- Momo: You evil woman, don't try to take advantage of our situation!
- Mela: Hey~ Don't be so ungrateful. We are here to help you.
- (Sherry takes out a document stamped with the Pigeon Queen's wax seal)
- Sherry: For six hundred years, the seven nations have lived peacefully. People who resort to force will be discarded by the world.
- Sherry: The League Till's colonel Nidhogg broke the contract, disrupting the world's harmony. As the guardian of peace, the Pidgeon Kingdom formally declares war on the League Till today!
- Nidhogg: I accept the challenge of the Pigeon Kingdom.
- Ozeca: I think Elle has been in the southern greenhouse for too long. She has forgotten what the real world looks like!
- Ozeca: Does she think the war is as simple as cooking afternoon tea in her rose garden? The League will let her know what's real moral and order by sheer power!
- Ransa: Don't forget how you offended the queen today. Whatever you are planning, the queen won't allow it to happen!
- Mela: Don't waste time talking... Nikki, we can help you resist Nidhogg's "Dark Verdict". Take the "Dawnblade" and compete with him once more!
- Obtained: Dawnblade
- This stage, like the other side stories, takes no stamina to run and drops no ingredients.