- Nikki: Tuda, we'll part here. It's the first time for you to leave Wasteland. Take care of yourself!
- Tuda: I will! You might come across Ransa and her men in the Windvale tribe. You have to be careful too!
- Ace: Don't worry, we will watch out for them. I hope you will be ready to be a great chief next time we meet!
- Bobo: Go! Tuda! I will miss you!
- Momo: Don't mess yourself up like we met at the first time!
- Tuda: I won't let you down! See ya!
- (Nikki and her friends see Tuda off)
- Nikki: I am still worried. It's dangerous for him to travel alone...
- Momo: But we also have to worry about why Iron Rose is here in Wasteland. Is Queen Elle targeting Miracle Scroll too?
- Ace: If we are after the same target, we probably will encounter stylists of Iron Rose again in the Windvale Tribe.
- Nikki: We'd better hurry up then. The chief of Pota Tribe said it's not too far from here to Windvale Forest.
- Bobo: Since we are going to the forest, we'd better put on some natural, fresh everyday clothes!
- Momo: ...Bobo, you know we don't have much time right?
There is no concluding dialogue.