Love Nikki-Dress UP Queen! Wiki
Love Nikki-Dress UP Queen! Wiki

Do you want to create a page for a clothing item and don't know how? Or just want to do it faster?

I wrote some code to create pages! You can find it here:

For a better explanation on how to use it, see this post.

How to use:[]

Change the suit variables at the top if the item is in a suit, then press run and answer the questions. Copy the output at the end.

Go to the wikia, click on a red link to create a page, then click on those three lines next to the cancel button and choose source editer. Paste the result of the program here. Then press "apply changes" and "save page" and "save page" again and you're done!

If you upload an image named "item name.png", it will automatically be added. For example, Moon Rabbit-Red.png was used for Moon Rabbit-Red.

Help with questions:[]

Style is for things like Style Modern China  . Just type in the first three letters.

Attibute1 and attribute2 are for the two 'main attributes'. You can see them in-game in the wardrobe or in the gallery. You can type the entire word, or just type the first or the first and second letter, see table:

Attribute Abbreviation
Simple Si
Gorgeous G
Elegant E
Lively L
Mature M
Cute Cu
Sexy Se
Pure P
Warm W



Item Abbreviation Symbol
Gold G Gold
Diamond D Diamonds
Starlight Coin SC Starlight Coin
Association Coin AC Association Coin
Crystal Rose CR Crystal Rose
Crystal Shoe CS Crystal Shoe
Jade J Jade
Destiny Hourglass SB Destiny Hourglass

Customization dyes:

You can just type the full name, the color or the abbreviation:

Item Abbreviation Symbol
Garnet Red GR Garnet Red
Lemon Yellow LY Lemon Yellow
Sunny Orange SO Sunny Orange
Lively Green LG Lively Green
Innocent Blue IB Innocent Blue
Elegant Purple EP Elegant Purple
Dreamy Pink DP Dreamy Pink
Pearl White PW Pearl White
Stardust Black SB Stardust Black
Other Dye OD Other Dye
Polka Dots PD Polka Dots
Common Plaid CP Common Plaid
Fresh Stripes FS Fresh Stripes
Advanced Pattern AP Advanced Pattern

Then for attribute, type the whole word. So if you want Elegant, type Elegant. You can also type just the first letter. 

The rating is SSS, SS, S, A, B or C. The attributes have to be in a specific order.

  1. Gorgeous/Simple
  2. Lively/Elegant
  3. Cute/Mature
  4. Sexy/Pure
  5. Warm/Cool

If you have any questions, please ask!