Lifetime suits are some of the hardest suits to craft in-game. Hence their other popular name: Hell suits. Some of them are packed with makeup, poses, new skin colors, beautiful dresses, stunning accessories, tons of movable ornaments, and more. However, some of them are so downright sucky you have to wonder why anyone would even try to get them. So I thought I'd share some of my thoughts on each of the lifetime/hell suits.
Icewind Warchant is definitely worth getting. Her armor is so beautiful and stunning. Plus, there aren't that many armor-type suits in the game, so all the more reason to get her. Her sword is rather large, but still useful. And while the flag may look a lot like the one from Clair's Wish, those swords are definitely very unique and could be useful in creating battle scenes. It's just a shame that the horse is bound to the pose. Her recolor is also definitely worth getting. As far as I know, she's the only suit with black armor in the game, which could be really useful for creating some sort of evil knight character (or Estrilda from AFK Arena).
By the teeth of Clearsight, Legend of Tulans is one of the most gorgeous suits to have ever graced us mere mortals with her presence. While Love Nikki already has quite a few Egyptian-themed suits, most of them are not V0-friendly. I am an absolute moon-moth over this suit. I just love everything about her. She has so many great items. Not just background items (which are already so unique and gorgeous), but also her hair, her dress, her crown, her staff, her cup... just blazing! Her unposed version is just as gorgeous as her posed version. But her posed version could be very useful in creating those "facing away from camera" entries that always seem to jam-pack the hotlist. And her light-skinned pose is no less stunning. I could go on and on like this forever, but that would get a little boring for whoever is reading this. And you know I love her when I pack so many Wings of Fire phrases into a single paragraph.
Marionette Grice is so messy and unattractive. If you want a creepy puppet-type suit, try Demon's Game. She's a regular crafting suit, so she can be obtained for much cheaper. Plus, she's actually a lot better looking, and has some pretty cool parts, like the background ornament. Demon's Game is just so much better and more versatile.
Grice is actually a very nice-looking suit. However, you have to craft Marionette Grice multiple times to get her. And, Grice just isn't worth all the trouble, especially since the only parts actually worth getting are her puppet skin and what's-it-called thingy. And there are already lots of tattoos that can give that same effect. And there's a puppet skin that can be obtained from one of those hell events but I forgot which one. All in all, there are much better uses of your time and diamonds.
Minstrel of Time is a great suit. You should definitely get her. The European style is really nice. However, the main reason you should get the suit is because of the background ornaments, which are pretty unique and definitely very useful in the Competition and Starry Corridor.
White Night Chant is also very beautiful, and I really like that she's a different pose than the original. However, unless you're really in love with some of the parts, I wouldn't recommend spending the time to get her, as you get the full suit as a background item as a reward for completing the original.
Star Sea looks like a plastic Barbie doll. There's nothing original, and she doesn't even have makeup or movable ornaments.
Stunning Beauty is boring and generic, and looks just like half of all the other Cloud suits that could be obtained with much less effort.
While White Blossom isn't as great now due to lots of other suits that are similar in design, I still think she's worth getting. I can't really explain why her design appeals to me. It's just... something about the elegant and flowing hair and dress... it's really pretty. Plus it comes with the day/night background, which is one of the coolest backgrounds ever. However, her recolor looks really similar to the original, so you might want to hold off on that.
So... that's it. One more thing: There are rumors of an upcoming Ruin suit: Origin of Light. From the pictures I've seen, she's absolutely stunning. All her parts are so beautiful, and she has tons of cool ornaments that could add some cool effects to your Starry Corridor entries. However, it might be awhile before this suit comes to the international server.