Overview • Lost Voices

Lost Voices is a story that came with the first season of the Ruins of Time event.
Read the stories to collect clues for the notebook. Completing each notebook page rewards Lost Legend fragments, which can be used to restore the puzzle and earn the Breeze and Clouds background.
Expand for plot.
- (The gentle sunlight falls through the clouds, casting a thin layer of light on the snow-capped mountains nearby.)
- (This small town at the foot of the Renieve Snowpeaks was once secluded and isolated, but now it contains tourists from all over Miraland. The old streets are full of laughter.)
- (Nikki and Momo walk among the crowd and look at each other with confusion.)
- Nikki: There are so many people here...
- Momo: If I recall correctly, the Renieve Snowpeaks aren't a tourist attraction, right?
- Nikki: Yeah, Ace said that the Renieve Snowpeaks are isolated, covered with snow year-round, and the weather is just horrible. Apart from explorers, very few people would come here...
- Momo: Well, Ace was the one who invited us here! Where is she?
- (As soon as Momo finishes speaking, they hear a familiar sound.)
- Ace: Sorry for making you wait! Long time no see, Nikki, Momo.
- Nikki: Ace, long time no see!
- Momo: Ace! Ace! Do you know why there are so many people here? Could it be that everyone knows there's a grilled fish magic box here?
- Ace: Grilled fish magic box? What's that...?
- Momo: The kind of magic box that pops out grilled fish for as long as you have it open!
- Nikki: Momo... I'm sorry, Ace, Momo has been under the impression that we're here for a treasure hunt ever since reading your letter...
- Ace: Momo hasn't changed a bit. But you're right — there are a lot more tourists here than usual.
- Ace: The Renieve Snowpeaks are always covered in snow, but it's been sunny here lately. Pigeon Kingdom's meteorologists confirmed the weather is stable, attracting many people.
- Nikki: But you said in your letter that there's a great and mysterious power in the snow mountains...
- Ace: Yes. This information was relayed to my sister with the news of improved weather. It almost happened at the same time, but no one knows where it's from.
- Nikki: A power strong enough to influence the weather...?
- (Nikki looks concerned.)
- Ace: Yes, compared to humans, Dwarves and Elves are more concerned about this issue. They both sent letters to my sister... The three races have decided to investigate together.
- Nikki: Do the dwarves and elves have any leads?
- Ace: They believe this power is very ancient... They even think it may be related to the legendary War of the Gods.
- Ace: According to the royal records, the weather underwent severe changes when the Curse of Blood descended. Currently, the Curse is also very unstable... it could be related.
- Ace: My sister already sent people to gather intel and investigate the Curse of Blood. I volunteered to investigate what's happening on the mountain.
- Nikki: So that's why you wrote to me...
- Ace: Nikki, I hope you can help me uncover the truth.
- (Nikki looks firmly at Ace and nods solemnly.)
- Nikki: Alright. We'll uncover the truth together!
- — Unlocks Starlet in Town
Expand for plot.
- (Nikki notices a familiar person at a corner of the bustling square.)
- Nikki: Starlet? Why are you here!?
- (The girl pacing back and forth looks at Nikki in surprise.)
- Starlet: Nikki! It's been so long, and I seem to get lost again...
- Momo: I'm not surprised at all.
- Nikki: Where were you going? Maybe we can help.
- Starlet: Otto Themed Park.
- Momo: Wait, isn't it in Hayden of the Lilith Kingdom? How did you end up here?
- Starlet: The stars led me this way...
- Ace: I'm afraid you'll have to find the train station first and hop on a train to Hayden...
- Starlet: What about you, Nikki? What brought you here?
- (Reaching an agreement with Ace, Nikki explains the purpose of their trip to Starlet.)
- Starlet: I see... The source of the mysterious power? You suspect it has something to do with the War of the Lords?
- Ace: It's what the fairies and dwarves say.
- Starlet: How did they draw the conclusion?
- Ace: There is a confusing poem in the fairies' letter and some strange symbols in the dwarves'... My sister decoded some of it, but I don't understand any of it.
- Starlet: But, the legend of Renieve Snowpeaks did originate from the War of the Lords.
- Momo: I haven't heard of it all!
- Nikki: Tell me about the legend!
- Ace: I know some of the story, but they don't make a complete one.
- (Starlet nods and starts narrating the story she knows.)
- Starlet: Renieve, the first Winter Lady, lived in the Valley of Silence with her sister, Thelvi, the Time Emissary. Renieve sat on her throne and ruled in the Valley.
- Starlet: It snowed all year round in the Valley of Silence... No, technically, time didn't exist in the Valley.
- Nikki: Time didn't exist?
- Starlet: Yes, because Thelvi was the emissary of time, so they couldn't feel the passing of time there... Just think of it as a lifeless, frozen valley.
- — Obtain Chrono Oath notebook clue
- Momo: Sounds so cold and boring...
- Starlet: It was why no one wanted to go there. A place forgotten by the Lords.
- Momo: And the Renieve Snowpeaks is actually the Valley of Silence?
- Starlet: The Valley of Silence only exists in the legend, and no one knows where it is... And the Renieve Snowpeaks is where Renieve fell in the story.
- Starlet: When Renieve fell, her body turned into the mountains and some believe that the Snow Fairies were born from her power... But there isn't even proof of their existence.
- Nikki: So, the power on the Snowpeaks could very possibly belong to Renieve?
- Ace: It's probably what the fairies and dwarves believe. My sister is worried that the Curse of Blood might aggravate the situation.
- Starlet: Allow me to take a reading of your path... The answer is on the mountains, it would seem.
- — Obtain Serene Winter notebook clue
- Momo: What are we waiting for? Let's head up the mountains!
- Ace: Oh, Starlet, walk down this street and you'll see a textile shop with rose embroideries on its sign. The shopkeeper will take you to the train station.
- — Unlocks Debbie in Town
Expand for plot.
- (A special squad suddenly appears in the crowd.)
- (Their petite figures indicate they are not humans.)
- (Soon, someone familiar starts walking toward Nikki and the others.)
- Debbie: Nikki, Momo and Ace! What brings you here?
- Ace: You know, because of the...
- (Debbie immediately knows what Ace is about to say.)
- Debbie: I'm sure everything will go as planned with Nikki's help!
- (They step out of the crowd and find a quiet corner for their conversation. The squad members remain in place, their leader bowing to Ace from a distance.)
- Debbie: The Stone City Plata is now a key settlement of the Dwarves. This river flowing from the Renieve Snowpeaks is our important supply of water.
- Debbie: It gives birth to the Silverlight Grass, a plant that grows in silver mines. The Dwarves can tell the condition of the mines based on its growth.
- Debbie: But recently, as the sun shines on the Renieve Snowpeaks, the river rises quickly and the grass grows out of hand...
- Momo: Wouldn't it be a good thing, though?
- Debbie: No!
- Debbie: Having sensed a strong force from the mountains, the elders are summoning Dwarves back in the hopes of finding out why this is happening and if it'll affect us...
- Nikki: Such abnormal phenomena are indeed concerning...
- Debbie: We're collecting samples of the water and soil. Hopefully it'll give us some answers...
- Ace: Don't worry too much. My sister says that we'll do everything to help when you and the fairies need it.
- Nikki: We're just heading up the mountains! You need samples from up there? We can collect some for you!
- Debbie: Are you sure? That'll be great! If you can get a sample near the source of the river, it may be easier to analyze...
- Nikki: Sure! Leave it to us!
- (Debbie takes an empty tube out of her pouch and hands it to Nikki.)
- Debbie: Wow! You got a sample already?! Thank you so much!
- Nikki: We found something more important. It's about the Silverlight Grass!
- Debbie: Have you really?
- Nikki: Yeah, we met a Snow Fairy named Huhu atop the mountain.
- (Nikki tells Debbie about their encounter with Huhu.)
- Debbie: Now it all makes sense. The power in the snowmelt from the mountains explains what is going on with the Sliverlight Grass...
- Nikki: Before she left, Huhu said that as time passes, the power will dissipate and it won't affect the Dwarves much.
- Debbie: That's great news! The elders can finally rest at ease.
- Momo: Now we know what happened to the Silverlight Grass, but I still have some questions to ask...
- Debbie: For example?
- Momo: Debbie, you are well read, so you must have heard of the Nether Lord's Sigh, right?
- Debbie: I have, but that only exists in the legend, right? The mixture of Endus' emotions and obsessions before he was immortalized...
- Momo: But what if it exists? And it seems to be changing with the mountains!
- (Leaving out what they found about the Phantom Thieves, Nikki tells Debbie the story of Endus, the Nether Lord, and the part he played in the death of Renieve.)
- Debbie: If that's the case, I suppose Endus slayed the Lord for Thelvi, who eventually fell because of his choice.
- Debbie: Although Endus killed Millis in the mountains, he couldn't enter the Lake of Eternity or turn back time... So, all his feelings turned into a sigh and he became the Nether Lord.
- Nikki: Maybe now with the field of the Lake of Eternity gone, everything about Thelvi may finally settle in peace...
- Ace: Some legends in the Pigeon Kingdom do say that the power of the Lords will be returned to the world after they fall...
- Ace: I wonder if Endus knows that his last feelings about Thelvi have all dissipated.
- Debbie: I don't think it matters to him anymore. Perhaps he'd decided to let it all go when he became the Nether Lord.
- Momo: You never disappoint! Let's head up now!
- Debbie: Seems different from the writings... Let's try again!
- Coming soon...
Outfit Assembly
It's pretty cold up the mountain. Remember to put on warm clothes that are easy to move around in.
Nanny's Gift
- Coming soon...
- — Unlocks Tuda on the Mountain Trail
Expand for plot.
- (The temperature drops in the mountains. The group sees fewer travelers as they ascend.)
- (The river flows unhurriedly, making a picture of peace and tranquility with the nearby plants and white snow.)
- Nikki: A trip like this would be great if it weren't for all the problems we need to solve.
- Ace: I guess it's why so many travelers come up here.
- Nikki: Hmm? Is that a team from the Wildland?
- Momo: Hold on, the leader looks familiar!
- Tuda: Nikki! Did you also come here to listen to the mountains' guide?
- Momo: That sounds so Wildland.
- Tuda: The Renieve Snowpeaks is sacred but bad-tempered. It suddenly stopped snowing, so people suspect it may unleash its wrath soon...
- Tuda: Oh no! I shouldn't speak ill of the mountains!
- Momo: Why is it bad-tempered? Just whisper to us. We can avoid upsetting it if we know why.
- Tuda: It's because... most settlements at the foot of the mountains relocated and even disappeared, leaving almost no tribes nearby.
- Tuda: We all revere the mountains and have no idea what caused its change... So, the tribes formed a team to listen to the mountain's guide at the nearby temple.
- Nikki: There is a temple in the mountains?
- Tuda: Yes, but it has been vacant for a long time. We wonder if that's why the mountains are enraged...
- Nikki: We also came to look for clues and see why it suddenly stopped snowing here.
- Tuda: It's easy to get lost in the mountains, though. Remember to not wander off the main path. We plan to regroup here before we hit the road again. All the best to you...
Expand for plot.
- (The eroded symbols on the pillars and walls outside the temple prove that no one has visited for long.)
- Ace: Nikki and Momo, stay close behind me!
- (Ace presses her hand on the hilt of her sword.)
- (They are surprised to find that the temple is brightly lit by candles.)
- ???: Are you chosen by the Lords to be here, just like me?
- (The gentle and clear voice of a woman echoes in the empty temple.)
- Momo: There's someone else!?
- ???: I would rather you call me the Child of the Lords...
- (A tall and slender figure steps out of the shadow, clearly elated with a smile on her face.)
- Nikki: Are you here to listen to the mountains' guide, too?
- Mysterious Priestess: No, I'm not to here to listen... I already know what the mountains want.
- Ace: So, you know what happened to the mountains?
- Mysterious Priestess: Yes... Do you want to hear?
- (Not caring for Nikki's answer, she rubs her fingers against the symbols on the pillars and continues on.)
- Mysterious Priestess: A tribe at the foot of the mountains once worshipped the moon, and people called it the Snowmoon Tribe.
- Mysterious Priestess: It was not a big tribe, but their priestess had always received guidance from the moonlight and helped them avoid many troubles.
- Mysterious Priestess: But after the Curse of Blood...
- (Nikki and Ace quickly share a knowing look.)
- Mysterious Priestess: The mountains started howling in storms. The priestess went inside and never came out, so the tribe lost their protection... People left their homes and were never heard from again.
- Mysterious Priestess: Many believe that the priestess offered herself to the mountains, but I think she was accepted by the mountains
- (Nikki and the others can only piece together some useful information from the woman's self-absorbed narration.)
- Mysterious Priestess: The change of the mountains is a message for the people. Ah... if only I could be accepted by the mountains like the priestess and become the deity's apostle...
- Ace: The deity? You mean Renieve, the Winter Lady?
- Mysterious Priestess: Of course not! I hate losers. Don't you know? This is where the Lord was immortalized.
- Ace: Him?
- Mysterious Priestess: Hush--
- (The priestess puts a finger over her lips and shuts her eyes, completely engrossed in her own world.)
- Mysterious Priestess: You may call It... the Nether Lord.
- Ace: You mean Endus.
- Mysterious Priestess: How dare you call It by Its name!
- (Seeing the woman suddenly offended, Nikki quickly tries to divert her attention.)
- Nikki: You know so much about the stories here! There must be things that only you know about!
- Nikki: It's said that Snow Fairies live here, is that true?
- Mysterious Priestess: Yes... They are born from the mountains and shy away from humans, so rarely have they been seen... And I won't let you call them Children of the Lord!
- Momo: We won't!
- Mysterious Priestess: Oh? A talking cat. Maybe we share the same belief, how wonderful! It has worked Its way to divinity! But now few believe It...
- Mysterious Priestess: It was once the Ferryman at the River of Death, but It followed Its fate and gained divinity in the War of the Lords!
- Nikki: How?
- Mysterious Priestess: It slew Lords to finally reach the Divine Sphere! It still commands the Underworld even now!
- (Ace approaches Nikki and speaks with a lowered voice.)
- Ace: It doesn't sound relevant to our investigation.
- Nikki: Yeah, but she's saying the Nether Lord became immortalized here. Could the power be...
- Ace: It's hard to know if she's telling the truth.
- (Nikki ponders for a moment and nods.)
- Nikki: So that's what happened. Thank you! We'll leave you to it...
- Mysterious Priestess: Oh! Oh... I see...
- (The priestess seems to have suddenly realized something and soon becomes engrossed in her own thoughts.)
- Mysterious Priestess: I can give you one more clue.
- Mysterious Priestess: The Snow Fairies love candy. They may talk to you because of the candies if you are lucky enough.
- Mysterious Priestess: I have some on me now. I can give it to you if you answer my question.
- Nikki: Sure, if we know the answer...
- Mysterious Priestess: Do you think the Lords need emotions or not?
- Nikki: Emotions are fascinating. They are intangible, but they exist and hold power that is far beyond our imagination.
- Mysterious Priestess: That... makes some sense...
- Nikki: Maybe only humans truly know the power in emotions.
- Mysterious Priestess: I see. This is why It eventually became a Lord...
- Nikki: Emotion is more complicated than we think it is. Perhaps even the Lords haven't figured it out.
- (The mysterious priestess falls silent.)
- — Obtain Ferryman notebook clue
- — Obtain Slayed the god notebook clue
- — Obtain Nether Lord notebook clue
- — Obtain Candy
Expand for plot.
- (There is an open field halfway up the mountains with water supply, where most hikers would stay and rest, so it has become a camping site for adventurers.)
- (It has become crowded because of the recent popularity of the Renieve Snowpeaks.)
- (There are tents in different shapes, new cabins of various themes and colorful flags flapping in the wind... People in warm clothing gather in groups, discussing their travel plans.)
- (Nikki and the others spot Annabelle among the crowd, an easel on her back as she talks excitedly.)
- Nikki: Annabelle! Long time no see!
- (Annabelle turns around at the sound of Nikki's voice and waves at them.)
- Annabel: Nikki, Momo and Ace! Are you also here for the view after snow?
- Nikki: Yeah... not exactly. How about you? Are you here for new ideas?
- Annabel: Yes, I'm working on a comic book about the War of the Lords, and the death of the Winter Ladies plays a big part at the start of the War. I'm here for some inspiration.
- Nikki: The death of the Winter Ladies? Who else died here besides Renieve?
- Annabel: It isn't just where Renieve fell. Millis, the second Winter Lady, is also said to have fallen here!
- Momo: The second Winter Lady? Renieve's sister? Wait, that's Thelvi...
- Annabel: The story isn't that simple! I'll explain it to you...
- (Annabelle starts telling the story to Nikki and the others.)
- Annabel: Millis was once the Banshee of the Mist, possessing the Misty Mirror that usually appeared blurry and only showed visions as she wished.
- Annabel: She also had a knife powerful enough to assassinate a deity, but it could only be used once and the wielder would have to pay a huge price.
- Nikki: Millis became the second Winter Lady... Did she kill Renieve to take her place?
- Annabel: As far as I know, Millis tricked Endus the Ferryman. She gave him the knife and lied that he would become a deity if he killed Renieve. That means Endus killed Renieve.
- Annabel: Perhaps it's their fate. Millis eventually fell here too, at the hands of Endus.
- Ace: According to the legends in the Pigeon Kingdom, Endus killed Millis at the Winter Lady's throne, the Valley of Silence.
- Annabel: I've heard that, too! But I'm inclined to believe both Winter Ladies fell on the Renieve Snowpeaks. It's more dramatic and shocking for a comic.
- Momo: Yeah, it feels more like a twist of fate.
- Annabel: It'll be hard to adapt such a complicated story into a comic... Ah! I gotta meet my team! Are you coming with us?
- Nikki: Thank you for sharing the story with us, but we have more investigations to do...
- Annabel: Alright! Many adventurers and travelers gather here. Just ask around if there's anything else you want to know.
- — Obtain Misty Mirror notebook clue
- — Obtain Trial of Mist notebook clue
Expand for plot.
- ???: Nikki!
- (Inside the crowded camp side, a familiar voice comes from behind Nikki.)
- (Nikki turns to see Timi, whom she hasn't met for a while.)
- Timi: I didn't think I'd meet you here! Do you also come for the clear sky above the snow mountain?
- Nikki: ...Yeah. Are you here for a trip?
- Timi: My boyfriend thought the mountains might give us new ideas, so we came here together!
- Momo: He's here too?
- Timi: Yeah, but he went out with a few designers. He noticed that I was a bit exhausted and asked me to stay at the camp.
- Momo: That's so sweet of him!
- Nikki: Actually, we are gathering stories about the mountains. We hear that Renieve, the first Winter Lady, turned into the mountains after she fell.
- Timi: Yeah, and Endus, the Nether Lord, killed her. Back then, he was just the Ferryman at the River of Death.
- Timi: Did you know? Endus had always had a secret crush on Thelvi, the Time Emissary!
- Momo: Thelvi? Wasn't she Renieve's sister?
- Momo: Endus had a crush on Thelvi. Then why would he kill Renieve?
- Timi: He didn't know it back then... He had been obsessed with Thelvi ever since a chance meeting.
- Timi: But he was a mere ferryman, so he believed that only by becoming a deity could he profess his love for Thelvi...
- Timi: Millis the Banshee of the Mist told him that he could do so by killing a deity. So, with Millis' knife, he killed Renieve whom Millis tricked out of the Valley of Silence.
- Nikki: He didn't know at the time that he killed Thelvi's sister?
- Timi: The sisters had lived in the Valley of Silence almost all their life. Little was known about them, let alone by Endus, a ferryman at the River of Death.
- Timi: Besides, deities have their faces concealed. Endus couldn't have recognized Renieve as Thelvi's sister when he killed her.
- Nikki: I didn't know Endus played such a role in this story...
- Timi: It's just a story I read somewhere! Not sure if it helps with your investigation.
- Nikki: Of course it does! Thanks, Timi!
- Timi: No worries. I've had plenty of rest. I'll go find my boyfriend, then.
- — Obtain Timid notebook clue
- — Obtain Delighted notebook clue
- — Obtain Disappointed notebook clue
- — Obtain Dispirited notebook clue
Expand for plot.
- (Travelers from all over the continent gather around the campsite, sharing stories that happened on their journeys.)
- (The chatter suddenly rises to a clamor at the center of the crowd, excitement spreading to those around.)
- Momo: What's going on? Let's go take a look, too!
- (Hiber, the model with the highest net worth in Apple Federation, has come here for some reason.)
- (Being used to the stares and attention, Hiber pays no mind to the gathering crowd.)
- Nikki: Hmm? It's Hiber.
- Hiber: You guys...
- (Hiber looks slightly surprised seeing Nikki in the crowd and then returns to her tent.)
- Traveling Girl: It's Hiber! I love her! I heard she came to the Renieve Snowpeaks for a shoot, but I didn't think I'd really see her here!
- Short-haired Photographer: If only I could do her photo shoot. She's born for camera!
- (Nikki and the others now learn why Hiber has come here.)
- Momo: It's still weird! I've read somewhere that the Mercury Group is preparing for a new show, and Hiber has always supported Reid. Why did she take another gig and come here now?
- Nikki: You're right. It is weird. If only we can ask someone about it.
- (Nikki looks around the crowd and soon notices the constant camera flashes.)
- Cali: Titled, Hiber Appearing on Renieve Snowpeaks? Hmm... That's too plain...
- (In deep thought, Cali bites her pen and takes no notice of Nikki and the others already standing beside her.)
- Momo: Cali—
- Cali: Gah!
- (She almost drops the pen in her hand, obviously startled.)
- Cali: Momo? Oh! Nikki and Ace! You are here too!
- Nikki: Sorry, Momo didn't mean to startle you.
- Ace: Really?
- Cali: It's alright. I was too engrossed in my thoughts. I came for the cleared mountains, but then I saw Hiber... Now I'm racking my brain for a good title.
- (Cali looks completely troubled.)
- Momo: 'Shocked! Hiber Came to Revenie Mountains for Him!?'
- Cali: Thanks, Momo, but that kind of title fits more in PaiyaNews...
- Ace: The way she hurried back to her tent. It seemed like she was hiding a secret...
- Cali: Ah! Speaking of which, did you know there's a mysterious treasure hidden in the mountains!
- (Cali suddenly lowers her voice and winks at Nikki.)
- Momo: What treasure?! Grilled fish...
- Cali: It's the Nether Lord's Sigh!
- Momo: What is that?
- Cali: It's what remained of Endus' emotions before he became the Nether Lord!
- Cali: It's said to once belong to the royals of the Pigeon Kingdom, but got lost during a banquet. People say it's now in the Phantom Thieves' hands.
- Cali: A reliable source says the Thief owns a castle in the mountains! Some of the travelers may have come for the treasure. For instance... Hiber, who's hiding something...
- (Cali draws out the words to make it sound more mysterious, but unbeknownst to her, Hiber is indeed related to the Phantom Thieves.)
- (After a brief conversation, Nikki and the others say goodbye to Cali and reach a quiet corner of the campsite.)
- Nikki: Ace, did you know about it? The Nether Lord's Sigh and the Phantom Thieves' castle?
- Ace: There are writings about such a castle, but it's supposed to be abandoned. The Phantom Thieves are now scattered around the continent, so theoretically, no one lives up here...
- Ace: The Nether Lord's Sigh is mentioned even less. All we know is that it has something to do with death and may lead to serious consequences if it falls into the wrong hands.
- Momo: What?! Hiber didn't come here for the Nether Lord's Sigh, did she? Nikki, shouldn't we stop her?
- Nikki: But we're not sure yet, and we haven't found out the power source of the mountains or the reason why it's bursting out now...
- Ace: Even if we were to investigate the Nether Lord's Sigh, we wouldn't know where to start. Let's just focus on the source of the power for now.
- — Obtain Cause notebook clue
- — Unlocks Sofia Near Camp
Expand for plot.
- (A strange young man suddenly stops before Nikki and the others.)
- Young Man: Sorry to interrupt.
- (The young man's mannerism and gait look familiar, but Nikki can't be sure of his identity.)
- Nikki: You're...
- Young Man: I hear you are asking around about the mountains. Maybe we can exchange information.
- (The young man points at a nearby road.)
- Young Man: Let's talk over there.
- (Nikki shares a look with Ace and nods. They start following the young man.)
- (The group arrives at a quiet corner and the young man removes his disguise.)
- Nikki: Sofia! No wonder I found you familiar!
- Sofia: Sorry! I didn't mean to lie to you. Just too many eyes and ears around. Hiber's here, too.
- Ace: I thought the December Troupe was touring the Apple Federation. Why are you here?
- Nikki: You and Hiber. That means...
- Ace: I don't know if it's okay to ask... but are the Phantom Thieves also related to what's happening in the mountains?
- (Sofia ponders for a while and makes up her mind.)
- Sofia: Yes.
- Sofia: Ace should have heard about the castle in the mountains. It belongs to the clan leader, and the members may only come and live in it by the leader's invitation.
- Ace: Yes, and as far as I know, the castle is vacant now.
- Sofia: Yeah, people rarely come here because of the snow, so some important artifacts are kept in the castle.
- Nikki: Like... the Nether Lord's Sigh?
- (Sofia nods slightly.)
- Sofia: After the sky cleared, the Nether Lord's Sigh started to change out of the blue, so many clan members came here with different excuses.
- Momo: You mean we're going to see more Phantom Thieves?
- Sofia: Maybe, but they usually disguise themselves.
- Momo: Like what you did?
- Sofia: Yeah, but I came back this time for Hiber...
- Nikki: Hiber?
- Sofia: From what I've heard, the Nether Lord's Sigh seems less violent now. It may make people like Hiber think they can harness its power.
- Sofia: The Nether Lord's Sigh contains extreme energy. It'll result in a disaster if in the wrong hands.
- Nikki: What exactly is the Nether Lord's Sigh?
- Sofia: It's Endus' last sigh before he became the Nether Lord, encompassing all his complicated emotions and obsessions that he finally let go.
- Nikki: I see... No wonder it contains so much power.
- Sofia: I know you are here investigating the mysterious power. If it's okay, I'd like you to see whether the mountains are affecting the Sigh or the other way around...
- Sofia: If it's the other way around, I'd have to ask the leader to do something with it.
- Nikki: Got it! Leave it to us!
- Nikki: We just met a Snow Fairy atop the mountains!
- (Maybe because of the Phantom Thieves, Sofia also knows a little about the Snow Fairies.)
- Sofia: A Snow Fairy? That's rare.
- Nikki: Yeah, she was adorable and shared a lot of useful information with us!
- (Nikki explains to Sofia what Huhu told her.)
- Nikki: Looks like the snow didn't stop because of the Nether Lord's Sigh.
- Sofia: That's good to hear! Now all I need to do is stop Hiber from taking the Sigh.
- Momo: What is she trying to do? Take it to Reid Mercury?
- Sofia: Perhaps. No Phantom Thief has used the Sigh, but I have a feeling that it'll be a big problem if Hiber has it.
- Sofia: I'll leave you to it. Thank you for the information!
- — Obtain Situation notebook clue
- — Obtain Conjecture notebook clue
- — Unlocks Huhu at the Summit
Expand for plot.
- (The path is less crowded as they ascend the mountains. And near the top, there is no one around but Nikki's group.)
- Ace: Not many people would come up here like us in such a harsh climate.
- Momo: Are we still going up? I'm beat!
- Nikki: I can feel the mysterious power here, too. Maybe the answer we're looking for is at the top...
- (A small pile of snow suddenly moves as they speak.)
- ???: Ah! Eeh...
- (A small fairy rises up from the snow and spreads her arms to sprinkle snow, trying to pull a prank on someone.)
- Little Fairy: Eh? Who are you?
- (She flies over to Nikki and looks intently at her face.)
- Nikki: Hi, little fairy. I'm Nikki. What's your name?
- Huhu: I'm Huhu, not just a fairy, but a Snow Fairy!
- Momo: Wow, Snow Fairies really exist!
- Nikki: Huhu, have any of the Snow Fairies felt the sudden burst of energy up here?
- Huhu: There are two types of fairies in the mountains. The ones on the outside are shy, so I don't know about them, but we have felt it, for sure!
- Ace: On the outside? So, you are the ones on the inside? Inside where?
- Huhu: Where we live! The Lake of Eternity.
- Momo: Sounds like an amazing place. And you don't mind telling us about it?
- (Huhu shakes her head, her cheeks puffed up.)
- Huhu: It's alright! But I can't waste too much time here. I've got to go down the mountains before dark! There seems to be a lot of fun there.
- Momo: Wait! Just a few more questions! I'll share grilled fish with you!
- Huhu: What's grilled fish... No, I don't want that!
- (Momo suddenly remembers the Snow Fairies' love for candy and tugs at Nikki's sleeve as Huhu gets ready to leave.)
- Momo: Would you stay a while longer if we share some candies with you?
- Huhu: Candies... I've heard about it.
- — Give her the candy (Option unlocked after receiving candy from Priestess.)
- (Huhu tilts her head, thinks for a moment and nods.)
- Huhu: OK... What else do you want to know?
- Ace: Can you tell us more about the Snow Fairies?
- Huhu: The Snow Fairies that humans usually talk about are the ones on the outside. They are few and very shy, even among themselves, so rarely have people seen them.
- Huhu: Me and my friends, however, live inside the field of the Lake of Eternity. I don't think humans have even heard of us.
- Momo: Are your friends all as small as you?
- (Ace and Momo ask almost simultaneously.)
- Ace: Inside the field?
- (Huhu looks at Momo and then Ace and decides to answer the simpler question first.)
- Huhu: Of course not! The Lake of Eternity is like a special little world. The fairies all look different!
- Huhu: Some are like me. Some are like deer, plants... or even humans!
- (She pauses for a moment and starts answering Ace's question.)
- Huhu: The Lake of Eternity used to be a mirror. Vivi held it all day after the first Winter Lady fell, hoping to see her sister in her reflection.
- Ace: Vivi? You mean Thelvi?
- Huhu: Okay!
- Nikki: A mirror... The one that belonged to the Banshee of the Mist?
- Huhu: That's right. And Millis did something that made the mirror shatter on the ground, eventually turning into the lake.
- Huhu: Vivi couldn't accept losing her sister twice and sank into the lake as well.
- Huhu: She was the Time Emissary, so time now stands still there. It's a special field in humans' words.
- Huhu: The Lake of Eternity is a separate world from the outside, and from her complicated emotions and the remnant of her power were we born.
- Ace: Then how did you get out?
- Huhu: Well, because of what happened in the mountains.
- Huhu: Someone closely related to the Lake of Eternity entered the field, but she doesn't belong there.
- Huhu: I thought she'd stay forever, but she eventually left because a seal on the continent was broken.
- (Nikki is confused for a moment before realizing what it is.)
- Nikki: It's the Curse of Blood!
- (Huhu doesn't know what that is and continues on without pause.)
- Huhu: This person went in and out, leaving a crack in the field. Time seeps in while Vivi's emotions and memories leak out, eventually breaking the field.
- Momo: Someone closely related to the Lake of Eternity... Let me guess, Nidhogg?
- Ace: Yeah, we haven't heard anything about Nidhogg lately.
- Huhu: Nidhogg? Isn't that a boy's name? The person who entered the field was a girl.
- Momo: A girl? Could that be...
- (Momo looks at Nikki in surprise.)
- Momo: Could that be... Nikki...
- Nikki: Momo, stop guessing!
- Ace: So, the power on the mountains actually came from Thelvi?
- Huhu: Yeah, everything within the Lake of Eternity was freed after the field broke. The power spread and affected the mountains.
- Ace: That explains the clear sky, the river full of energy and the thriving of the dwarves' Silverlight Grass.
- (A story once forgotten in time is recalled as time flows again. All the mysteries on the mountains seem to have been explained.)
- (Snow shimmers in the warm sunlight under the cloudless sky, as the wind from centuries ago blows and mountains stretch to the horizon.)
- (Nikki seems to hear a whisper in the breeze.)
- (She ponders and looks back—)
- (It's an azure, vast sky.)
- Momo: Nikki? What's wrong?
- Nikki: Something just... No, it's probably nothing.
- Huhu: No more questions? I'm leaving the mountains now! I'm going to travel around Miraland!
- — Obtain Broken Mirror notebook clue
- — Obtain Time Field Forms notebook clue
- — Obtain Curse of Blood notebook clue
- — Obtain Field Disappeared notebook clue
- — Unlocks Debbie's return dialogue in Town
Expand for plot.
Drag and drop the clues from Collected Info to their correct spot in the text. Obtain all Lost Legend fragments to assemble the puzzle in Curio Restoration.
- — Obtain Lost Legend - Fragment 1
Divine Sphere[]
- Ferryman clue obtained from Priestess
- Slayed the god clue obtained from Priestess
- Nether Lord clue obtained from Priestess
- — Obtain Lost Legend - Fragment 2
Banshee's Treasure[]
- — Obtain Lost Legend - Fragment 3
Nether Lord's Sigh[]
- Cause clue obtained from Cali
- Situation clue obtained from Sofia
- Conjecture clue obtained from Sofia
- Conclusion clue obtained from Debbie
- — Obtain Lost Legend - Fragment 4
- Timid clue obtained from Timi
- Delighted clue obtained from Timi
- Disappointed clue obtained from Timi
- Dispirited clue obtained from Timi
- — Obtain Lost Legend - Fragment 5
Lake of Eternity[]
- Broken Mirror clue obtained from Huhu
- Time Field Forms clue obtained from Huhu
- Curse of Blood clue obtained from Huhu
- Field Disappeared clue obtained from Huhu
- — Obtain Lost Legend - Fragment 6