Love Nikki-Dress UP Queen! Wiki
Love Nikki-Dress UP Queen! Wiki

Overview Gallery

Recharges are purchases in Love Nikki that give players rewards, typically Diamonds Diamonds and VIP EXP VIP Exp, but occasionally suits, items, gold, dye, event currency, monthly cards Monthly Card, pavilion tickets Pavilion of Fantasy Ticket, and wish coupons Wish Coupon.

For a list of all suits and items that can be obtained via recharge, see Category:Recharge.

Types of Recharge[]

Direct Diamond Purchase[]

Direct Diamond Purchase icon

This recharge can always be found by clicking the + next to the number of Diamonds you own. Here, you can purchase Diamonds, VIP Exp and Monthly Card, as well as gain the current First Time Recharge suit.

The $9.99 tier also gives a Carnival Ticket Carnival Ticket, which allows the user to gain half off pulls in a Mystery House permanent pavilion of their choice for 24 hours. The Carnival Tickets can only be applied to Porch of Misty, Corridor of Clock, Time Yard, or Tower of Zen.

Carnival Ticket Inactive and Active icon

Carnival Ticket Active and Inactive

Cost in US Dollars Diamonds Gained VIP EXP Gained Additional Rewards
$1.99 100 Diamonds 100 VIP Exp
$4.99 260 Diamonds 260 VIP Exp Monthly Card Monthly Card
$9.99 550 Diamonds 550 VIP Exp Carnival Ticket Carnival Ticket
$19.99 1,200 Diamonds 1,200 VIP Exp
$49.99 3,100 Diamonds 3,100 VIP Exp
$99.99 6,300 Diamonds 6,300 VIP Exp
Diamond 2x Icon

Double Diamond Bonus[]

The first time you recharge at a certain tier, you will get twice the amount of Diamonds. Note that this does not give you twice the amount of VIP Exp. This bonus can be applied once to each tier. Double diamond bonus resets every few months, so you can claim it again then by recharging again.

First Time Recharge[]

Your first direct diamond recharge at any tier will also give you a suit. There are several suits in this series, but only one is available at any given time. This bonus resets every few months, often rotating the available suit, so you can recharge again after a reset to claim another reward. The following suits may be available as a first time recharge bonus:

Time-limited Pack[]


Time-limited Packs show up on your sidebar every day with a purple gift box (pictured to the right). In it, you can purchase a randomized pack that may contain various materials and tickets as well as Diamonds and VIP Exp. They change every day at the end of the countdown time listed. For this reason, they are sometimes referred to as "Countdown Packs".

The following items/suits are available from time-limited packs:

These became available as of September 2nd, 2017.[1]

Cumulative Recharge[]

In a Cumulative Recharge event, purchase Diamonds to claim parts of a suit or a full suit. The more that is recharged, the more items and suits are gained.

  • Packs that were purchased previously but have not yet been opened count towards a Cumulative Recharge.
  • Though cumulative recharges say that they count how many Diamonds were recharged, they actually count VIP Exp. Double diamonds do not count towards cumulative recharges, and when buying packs from the User's Shop, the VIP exp is what counts towards the total.
  • You can combine different recharge amounts and the diamonds will stack together to help you meet the cost. For example, to reach a 520Diamonds level, you could purchase 260Diamonds twice, or purchase 550Diamonds once.
  • IMPORTANT: Sometimes Cumulative Recharges stay on the sidebar for a few days after they have ended. Always check the date it ends before spending money on a Cumulative Recharge.

Top-Up At One Go Event[]

During a Top-Up At One Go event, if you purchase diamonds equaling or exceeding the amount needed in one purchase, you will gain the offered suit. Generally, only direct diamond purchases work for this event.[2]

For example, a top up event might say to purchase diamonds valued at $4.99 or over to gain the suit. You could purchase any amount from the chart shown above starting from $4.99 and going all the way to the $99.99 purchase to gain the suit, but you could never get the suit by using the $1.99 button, no matter how much you spent.

Zodiac Lucky Pack[]

Zodiac Pack icon

A Zodiac Lucky Pack is a way to purchase items, suits, or a randomized amount of materials. There are two packs offered every day, and like the Time-limited Packs, the packs offered change after the day is over. The packs can also be refreshed by spending Diamonds up to 5 times a day. They are offered in several tiers with prices ranging from $0.99 to $9.99.

The drops from a Zodiac Pack are not guaranteed; rather, the game presents a list of materials and currency you could win upon opening the packs. The more expensive the pack, the higher the chance you'll have to get the suit. The list is different for each pack.

Like other recharges, the packs will always offer a set amount of Diamonds and VIP Exp depending on how expensive the pack is. These do not have a chance element to them.

Suits available long-term from Zodiac Lucky Packs:

Celebrity's Choice Pack icon

Celebrity Choice icon

The first Zodiac Lucky Pack suit, Celebrity's Choice, was available from May 31st to July 3rd, 2018.


In the Boutique, you can purchase various suits available for a limited time, along with other resources. Suits that may have previously been available through a different recharge method, such as Cumulative Recharge, may eventually come back via the Boutique for an equivalent amount of money.

User's Shop[]

User's Shop icon

In the User's Shop, you can purchase currency, event currency, or sometimes entire suits for real money or Diamonds Diamonds. Though the currency sold in the User's Shop does not change, the specific items offered there will come and go. For more information, please see the page User's Shop.

1 USD Sale[]

One USD sale icon

Occasionally, a single item is offered for a limited time for $1 USD. These items will generally come back for crafting after a while.[3] Like other recharges, it also offers a small amount of Diamonds and VIP Exp.

Secret Shop[]

Secret Shop icon

The Secret Shop is a recharge feature introduced on January 11th, 2019. It tends to only appear at times when there're no active recharges available in the game. Secret Shop offers various recharge suits and items, that were once obtainable through other recharge types, for purchase again. Players initially received one refresh per day, which was later changed to three refreshes. It is worth noting that for players who have completed every recharge/purchase in the Secret Shop, the store itself will not appear in game.

Double/Triple Suits[]

Suits that were bound in the tiered system during their initial run (i. e. Cumulative Recharges) tend to appear bound with each other in the Secret Shop as well, although there are several cases in which a player may encounter such suits separately.

  1. If a player doesn't have any of the bundle suits, they may encounter:
    1. the first suit (A) (usually the least expensive one) as a solo pack;
    2. the first suit together with the second suit in the bundle (A + B);
    3. all the three suits as a complete bundle (A + B + C).
  2. If a player has already got the first suit (A) of the bundle, they may encounter:
    1. the second suit (B) as a solo pack;
    2. the second suit together with the third suit in the bundle (B + C).
  3. If a player has already got the first (A) and the second (B) suits in the bundle, they may encounter:
    1. the third suit (C) as a solo pack as it's the only suit in the bundle left.

The prices are mainly identical, as it's only $0.01 USD per suit cheaper to buy suits independently.

Back to Past[]

Back to Past Event icon

Previous cumulative recharges can be obtained when they arrive via the Back to Past feature. Users can recharge to gain Starlight Sand (Starlight Sand) and Diamonds. The Starlight Sand (Starlight Sand) can then be "poured" to reach the recharge tiers. The suits generally cost more when they return from this feature, and there are no double diamonds.

Abyssal Island[]

Abyssal Island icon

Users can recharge or buy packs during the event period to gain Starry Rocks Starry Rocks. 1 VIP Exp is equal to 1 Starry Rocks Starry Rocks. Starry Rocks Starry Rocks can be exchanged for rewards in a set tiered format. When exchanging for a returning set, users start from the tier they left off on. Starry Rocks WILL NOT be saved once the event is over.

For a list of all suits and items that can be obtained via Abyssal Island, see Category:Abyssal Island.

Lucky Bags[]

Lucky Bag

See Lucky Bags for more information.

Surprise Express[]

Surprise Express icon

The Surprise Express consists of a series of small recharges that are obtainable in a tiered format, where each reward must be claimed in order. Unlike most other formats, recharging to unlock tiers does not give VIP EXP VIP Exp, and therefore cannot be used to obtain Starry Rocks Starry Rocks during Abyssal Island periods. These purchases are still recorded for VIP progress, however.

Tier Cost in US Dollars Total Cost in US Dollars Rewards
Free Free 25 Stamina + 2,000 Gold
$0.99 $0.99 55 Diamonds + 3 Princess Reset Card + 10 Starlight Coin
50 Stamina + 3,000 Gold
5 Diamonds + 4 Princess Reset Card + 15 Starlight Coin
$1.99 $2.98 110 Diamonds + 6 Princess Reset Card + 100 Stamina
30 Starlight Coin + 5,000 Gold
8 Princess Reset Card + 150 Stamina
15 Diamonds + 40 Starlight Coin + 10,000 Gold
$2.99 $5.97 165 Diamonds + 10 Princess Reset Card + 200 Stamina
50 Starlight Coin + 15,000 Gold
15 Princess Reset Card + 250 Stamina
25 Diamonds + 80 Starlight Coin + 25,000 Gold

Frequently Asked Question[]

I've never recharged before. What's the best type of recharge to buy?[]

Diamonds: Generally, the best diamond per dollar value will be the $4.99 purchase of 260 diamonds and a monthly card Monthly Card. This will get you 260Diamonds upfront, and 30 days of collecting 60 diamonds everyday in your Daily Quests. Those daily diamonds turn out to be 1,800Diamonds. 1,800 + 260 is 2,060 diamonds overall for $4.99, or 412Diamonds per dollar. If Double Diamonds are active (which is marked by a red x2 next to the price), you will get 1,800 + 520, or 2,320 diamonds overall (464Diamonds per dollar).

Suits: This is generally subjective, and depends mostly on how much you like the style of the suit! Players often post breakdowns or stylings of how each item looks on Nikki in the unofficial subreddit and the Love Nikki Sheets discord server in the #suit-breakdowns channel.

If you are curious about the components of the suit, Nikki's Info is a good resource. To find a new suit that has been introduced, navigate to the "What's New" section and find the recharge suit so that you can look at its stats.[4]

How does a Monthly Card work?[]

A Monthly Card Monthly Card is an item that will enable a daily quest awarding 60Diamonds and 10 Activeness Points every day for 30 days. Purchasing multiple Monthly Cards does NOT mean that you will get 120Diamonds a day. Rather, it will add 30 more days onto the end of your existing Monthly Card. For example, 2 Monthly Card means 60Diamonds per day for 60 days. Monthly cards can only be purchased with $4.99 direct diamond recharges and in certain other $4.99 recharge events.

Do double diamonds count towards Cumulative Recharges?[]

No, double diamonds do not count the doubled amount of diamonds. Cumulative Recharges actually count VIP EXP VIP Exp, which is not doubled. When you purchase double diamonds, you only get the regular amount of VIP Exp. So even if you get 520 Diamonds from double diamonds, you only get 260 VIP Exp.

I spent money, so why didn't I get the suit from the Cumulative Recharge?[]

Cumulative Recharges are left up in the game for several days after they finish. This is in order to make sure anyone who recharged and forgot to claim their suit can still make sure they get it.

Before recharging for any limited recharge event, always check the date it has displayed. Remember that the date and time shown are in server time, which is also displayed at the bottom left of your screen. Compare the two times and dates: if the server time is after the end time of the recharge event, you will not get the recharge suits.

How do I hold packs in my mailbox?[]

Some users will keep recharge packs in their mailbox without opening it unless a Cumulative Recharge is active. This way, the VIP EXP VIP Exp in the pack is counted towards the Cumulative Recharge. This is because for packs that show up in your mailbox, the time you open the pack is what is counted, not the time you actually purchased it.

Direct Diamond purchases and Secret Shop purchases cannot be held in the mailbox, as they are instantaneous purchases. Time-Limited Packs and Boutique purchases can be held in the mailbox.

To save a pack in your mailbox, you can spend the money and purchase it at any time, but make sure you don't open it until a Cumulative Recharge event begins. Keep an eye on the expiration date as well, and make sure to open it before the pack expires and disappears.

If I buy something once, will it continue to take money later?[]

No, all purchases are one-time transactions, and none of them are subscription-based. You will never have to cancel a subscription after buying any recharge.

Do VIP levels expire?[]

No, once you reach a VIP level it will never decrease.

If I use a rename card, can I choose any name I want?[]

No, you can only choose a name that isn't used by anyone else yet. Though there exist players with the same name, it is because at the beginning of the game, you can choose names that are already used.

Any more questions? Leave them in the comments and we will do our best to address them.


