Love Nikki-Dress UP Queen! Wiki
Love Nikki-Dress UP Queen! Wiki
Pixel Adventure

Pixel Adventure is a time-limited Wish Court pavilion that ran from March 6th to March 12th, 2024.

Getting all items unlocked the Stubborn Knight chibi.

List of Furniture[]

Super Rare Furniture 6 Heart[]

Icon Name Style Type
CastleandDragonIcon Castle and Dragon Lilith Tag Ornament

5-star Super Rare 5 Heart[]

Icon Name Style Type
WitchKingsMagicCircleIcon Witch-King's Magic Circle Lilith Tag Ornament
BlueOceanIcon Blue Ocean Lilith Tag Carpet
MagmaHellscapeIcon Magma Hellscape Lilith Tag Carpet
UnexploredForestIcon Unexplored Forest Lilith Tag Carpet
PermafrostIcefieldIcon Permafrost Icefield Lilith Tag Carpet

4-star Treasured 4 Heart[]

Icon Name Style Type
VirtualRuinsFloorIcon Virtual Ruins - Floor Lilith Tag Floor
VirtualRuinsWallsIcon Virtual Ruins - Walls Lilith Tag Wall
UndergroundIcon Underground Lilith Tag Wall Decor
GameLogoIcon Game Logo Lilith Tag Wall Decor
MomosWantedPosterIcon Momo's Wanted Poster Lilith Tag Wall Decor
ShiningCoinIcon Shining Coin Lilith Tag Ornament
DominionofSeaIcon Dominion of Sea Lilith Tag Ornament
BreaktheWavesIcon Break the Waves Lilith Tag Ornament
GuardGiftyIcon Guard Gifty Lilith Tag Ornament
WaveringMagicFlowerIcon Wavering Magic Flower Lilith Tag Plant
BravesTreasureIcon Brave's Treasure Lilith Tag Ornament
CastleFenceIcon Castle Fence Lilith Tag Ornament
CastleGatesIcon Castle Gates Lilith Tag Ornament

3-star Treasured 3 Heart[]

Icon Name Style Type
ForestBricksIcon Forest Bricks Lilith Tag Ornament
IcefieldBricksIcon Icefield Bricks Lilith Tag Ornament
MagmaBricksIcon Magma Bricks Lilith Tag Ornament
BeachSideBricksIcon Beach-Side Bricks Lilith Tag Ornament
IllusionaryCrystalIcon Illusionary Crystal Lilith Tag Ornament
IceCrystalIcon Ice Crystal Lilith Tag Ornament
WondrousMushroomsIcon Wondrous Mushrooms Lilith Tag Plant
BullsEyeIcon Bull's Eye Lilith Tag Ornament
MagicDetentionIcon Magic Detention Lilith Tag Wall Decor
PillarsofDemonLandIcon Pillars of Demon-Land Lilith Tag Ornament
GiftytheBraveIcon Gifty the Brave Lilith Tag Ornament


Name by Server[]

Version Name (Romanized) Translation
International International (English) Pixel Adventure N/A
France Flag International (French) Aventure Pixel Pixel Adventure
Chinese Flag China 像素大冒险 (xiàngsù dà màoxiǎn) Pixel Adventure
Indonesia Flag Indonesia N/A N/A
Thailand Flag Thailand N/A N/A
Singapore Flag Southeast Asia (English) N/A N/A