The following are transcriptions of the game's story stages.
A Terrific cosplay![]
- Nikki: Cosplay club is releasing a new costume!
- Momo: Could it be Donald Duck......
- Nikki: Hey! At least make an appearance!
- Momo: Then...... Mr. Bean?
- Nikki: You are so mean! Am I that funny looking? The costume is obviously Kagura!
- Momo: You don't think Kagura is funny......
- Nikki: A Chinese girl in chi-pao. There seems to be lots of Chinese girls in chi-pao in Japanese comic books.
- Momo: Don't forget to make the Chunli hair when you are dressing up. It's a classic look.
- Nikki: I know that!
- Nikki: Tomorrow mom is taking me to her childhood friend's daughter's wedding. And she started nagging about how
- Momo: You are an abnormal human being. You still don't have a boyfriend.
- Nikki: But I have you, Momo!
- Momo: Please don't make me puke!
- Nikki: Aww Momo you don't want me anymore!
- Momo: We are not a good match!
- Nikki: Sigh, you don't think I am good enough for you! I will go back to planning on what to wear to this wedding......
- Momo: Formal dress?
- Nikki: Hehe, it would be nice if I show up in a head-turning fancy dress!
Go experience the countryside![]
- Nikki: I want to go dig up wild herbs and mushrooms......
- Momo: Didn't you have enough yesterday?
- Nikki: It's not like that. Don't you think digging up herbs yourself is fun?
- Momo: I only think eating is fun. Aren't you worried about messing up your clothes......
- Nikki: You just have to wear something loose and durable. Dark colors are the first choice of course. Are you really not coming with me?
The Romance of Mystery (8)[]
- Nikki: I know it's for getting the truth, but isn't this a little over the line......
- Polo: Why? What happened?
- Nikki: In the aquarium she walked away from me to answer a phone call. I felt suspicious so I jotted down the phone number.
- Polo: It is a little over the line but you are becoming a great detective!
- Nikki: I have been hesitating about calling that number. After all she has been seeing me as a friend.
- Polo: So you are going to stop here...... I wouldn't want to put you in an awkward situation.
- Nikki: You have told me to find out who did this till the very end. Why is that?
- Polo: Because...... because the victim was my family.
- Nikki: I see. I will make the call. I hope she is innocent.
- Nikki: (a few minutes later) I called. A man answered. He said if there are question I could ask him in person.
- Polo: Maybe this is our last chance. Good luck.
- Nikki: Well. I have to make sure I give him a good first impression......
- Nikki: Lalala, I am going to play snooker tomorrow!
- Momo: Are you sure you can hit the white ball?
- Nikki: If I keep poking I'll hit it sooner or later!
- Momo: ......
- Nikki: Anyway, the snooker players are so charming......! I want to be like one of those gentleman! I will dress like one!
- Momo: This might be your only winning point...... I am not sure if it's good or bad......
Get in shape![]
- Nikki: Gaining weight again......
- Momo: All you do is eat and sleep. And you are surprised you've gain weight?
- Nikki: I really need to loose some weight. But running is so much work...... Sigh, yoga seems to be popular these days, maybe......
- Momo: Then you won't be able to wear your favorite jeans.
- Nikki: Not wearing jeans for a couple hours is nothing if it helps me lose weight!
- Momo: If you don't have yoga clothes, something tight will do.
Shining star (9)[]
- Designer: (smoky studio) the model hurt her ankle! What to do what to do what to do......
- Nikki: ......
- Sister: ......
- Designer: (talking to himself) what to do what to do what to do......
- Nikki: ......
- Sister: ......
- Nikki: Will they think I am peeking?
- Sister: The door of the studio is open!
- Designer: (talking to himself) what to do what to do what to do......
- Nikki: Then I really don't know how to say it now......
- Sister: Well......
- Designer: Hmm? (eyes light up when he sees Nikki) how about you be my model!
- Nikki: Wha, what?
- Sister: ......
- Nikki: (I guess designers' logic is not like regular people, huh?)
- Designer: My theme is this time is fairy tale!
- Nikki: (Am I his model by default now?)
- Sister: What are you doing standing there? Go try on some clothes!
- Sister: How come things like this never happened to me! Awww!
- Nikki: But I feel...... weird......
Piano Contest[]
- Nikki: Momo! Guess what this is!
- Momo: Marbled pork coupon?
- Nikki: Super piano student competition pass!
- Momo: Really? I didn't know you could play the piano! What is wrong with the world?
- Nikki: Who says I was going to play the piano?
- Momo: What are you going to play then?
- Nikki: I will be the reward presenter standing right next to the pianist!
- Momo: You really are going to stand in the corner, right?
- Nikki: Anyway...... I'll get to be on stage! What do you think an award presenter should wear?
Nikki in wonderland[]
- Nikki: Our club will be performing a play at the Freshmen Welcome Party, and the rehearsal is tomorrow. We are
- Momo: What are you going to play? A Lazy Day by Nikki?
- Nikki: Come on!
- Momo: What else can you do besides this? Nikki Burning the Cake?
- Nikki: It is obviously Alice in Wonderland!
- Momo: That is not your thing......
- Nikki: Knock it off! Wait till I find my dreamy European style costume!
Movie shooting[]
- Nikki: I have been invited to play in a short film!
- Momo: Really? Is the name of the short film The Lost Journey of Nikki?
- Nikki: Come on! It is about the ancient town culture of Kyoto.
- Momo: Boring!
- Nikki: Hey hey, don't go to sleep! I need your advice!
- Momo: That's easy! You just wear something retro and doesn't go against the style of the ancient culture of Kyoto.
The Romance of Mystery (9)[]
- Nikki: Haha! It was so worth it! I have got an important clue!
- Polo: Oh?
- Nikki: The man is her boyfriend. They just went exclusive last month. This is her first relationship......
- Nikki: She is so happy and scared at the same time, she hasn't told anyone about her boyfriend yet. The man understands it.
- Polo: Does...... this have anything to do with the case?
- Nikki: Of course it does!
- Nikki: Yes! She lied, because she was with her man that night......
- Nikki: ...... Hmm...... She also cooked a nice meal for him. I guess she was studying baking for him too.
- Polo: This is to say that she has an alibi...... right?
- Nikki: Yeah, it seems none of these three suspects were likely to have committed the crime.
- Polo: Actually...... there is one more person.
- Nikki: Huh? Why didn't you say something? Is there anything different about the mysterious suspect number four?
- Polo: What is different is that she definitely doesn't have an alibi......
- Polo: The night of the murder she was through the park but insists that she didn't witness the murder!
- Nikki: What, what? How could she say that?
- Polo: And this suspect number four...... is you.
- Nikki: Me......? You are joking...... How could I......
- Polo: You...... give me back my Bella! Give me back my Bella!
- Nikki: ...... I don't know anything.
- Polo: Go change into something simple and low-key, and come with me. Maybe this will refresh your memory.
Go for coffee[]
- Nikki: I am going to the coffee shop with my classmates. Stay home and be good, Momo.
- Momo: Remember to bring me some marbled pork~
- Nikki: They don't have marbled pork in the coffee shop!
- Momo: Cheap skate.
- Nikki: I am not trying to be cheap...... Oh, I am running late and I am not ready yet. It's all your fault.
- Momo: Just wear anything. You are not getting me marbled pork anyway.
- Nikki: I can't just wear anything. I should dress "fancy but low-key" I think......
- Momo: Hahe......
- Nikki: Well I can't dress too much like a student!
Let's go to the beach[]
- Nikki: Oh it's so hot!
- Momo: If cold drinks don't help, why don't you go swimming!
- Nikki: Hmm?
- Momo: Did you come all the way to the beach just to expose yourself in the sun?
- Nikki: Haha...... I am just too lazy to move that's all~ Well...... Should I go dig out my swimsuit?
- Momo: Do you even have one? But even if you don't, there won't be any substitute, haha.
Shining star (10)[]
- Nikki: (one day before the competition in the smoky office) The competition is coming up. Why do blue?
- Designer: Clothes...... I don't know what happened, but they are all falling apart.
- Nikki: Wha...... what?!
- Momo: (I hope your clothes are torn).
- Designer: It must have been him! Yes it must have been him!
- Sister: You know who did it?
- Designer: One of my contestants. He lost to me a few times. And I have seen him sneaking around in the studio lately. But I
- Sister: But the competition is tomorrow. Evidence......
- Nikki: The competition is tomorrow! We need to work hard today!
- Designer: All my clothes have been torn, what can I do......
- Nikki: We still have one more day, right? It's OK. I believe in you!
- Sister: (I can say that too).
- Designer: And he has seen my theme. Do you think he'll copy?
- Nikki: Then we change a theme!
- Designer: Chinese robes...... Chinese robes!
- Nikki: What?
- Designer: Come on, put on this Chinese Robe and let me see!
- Nikki: What?
- Designer: Yeah...... Perfect! We'll change our theme to Chinese robe with trendy elements...... Just perfect!
- Nikki: We have 24 hours till the competition. Let's go!
Wanna be cute[]
- Nikki: Meow.
- Momo: What do you want?
- Nikki: I suddenly want to take a selfie in these cute clothes!
- Momo: You do it yourself. Please don't meow around in the house!
- Nikki: I need the ears!
- Momo: Help......
- Nikki: So I need to look for clothes that have ears and are cute!
The Romance of Mystery (10)[]
- Polo: Look! Bella was just as cute as them. She would've been having a happy meal right now! But you... you...
- Nikki: What are you talking about? These are just a bunch of rabbits.
- Polo: Bella was one of them. And now that she has been killed, she is never returning to me!
- Nikki: Oh my god! The victim was a rabbit!
- Polo: What did you think it was? If it was a person, the police would've been all over it instead of me!
- Nikki: Well......
- Polo: Bella and the rest of them were like my family! They brought me joy! Shouldn't their life be respected too?
- Nikki: All right. I really haven't seen a rabbit. Speaking of, your keeping them in the hallway of the apartment building
- Nikki: And...... this hallway feels so familiar......
- Polo: Hmm. All three of the suspects live here. They were very nice to my rabbits.
- Nikki: Oh I see!
- Polo: What?
- Nikki: Let me go change into a handsome outfit, then come back to solve your puzzle!
Wanna play table tennis?[]
- Nikki: It's so boring staying home. Fuzzy Craft Store is closed now. What should we do?
- Momo: They started ball game class at the gym. Are you going to sign up?
- Nikki: Huh? That sounds fun! I love soccer!
- Momo: I hear that everyone would break a bones playing soccer.
- Nikki: Oh...... then I give up. A safer sport...... Basketball doesn't sound very safe, either.
- Momo: Ping-Pong would be perfect for you, and you don't need to run much. Unless your opponent throws the racket at you, you
- Nikki: Then I will learn Ping-Pong! Hmm. I need to wear something loose.
The charity fundraiser bazaar[]
- Nikki: Momo! Look at my Eiffel Tower origami!
- Momo: Wow, what has gotten into you?
- Nikki: Tomorrow our fundraising starts. I have to make as much origami as possible to make the sales. Do you think
- Momo: As long as they look cute, they make great decorations. Why wouldn't they buy them?
- Nikki: That makes me feel better.
- Momo: You should dress simple. Dress too colorful people will think you are fake.
- Nikki: I got it......
Shining star (11)[]
- Nikki: I am so nervous all of a sudden......
- Momo: Only worry about being nervous and forget about changing clothes. This is so you.
- Nikki: !
- Momo: Put on what the designer suggested and walk the run way! You will do great!
- Nikki: Why are you here?
- Momo: Your sister told me to take care of you, which I have been.
- Nikki: Where is my sister?
- Momo: She said she had to catch someone.
- Nikki: What?
- Momo: What? Catch the guy who destroyed the designer's clothes!
- Nikki: Oh!!
- Momo: Now you know? You are almost on! Hurry up and go change! When you become a star, don't forget to buy me marbled pork
The school's 100th anniversary[]
- Nikki: Hey, the school is giving out $20 cafeteria tickets for the 100th anniversary!
- Momo: Do they have marbled pork? We should make the $20 my ticket.
- Nikki: Knock it off! The anniversary is tomorrow, what are you in such a hurry for? Besides, I need to feed myself first.
- Momo: So selfish.
- Nikki: Hehe.
- Momo: Why are you looking at me like that? How about this: you be a little frugal, and save $15 to buy me a marbled pork.
- Nikki: ...... I have to think of what to wear tomorrow. Hmm. Student uniforms is the best bet.
Let's go painting![]
- Nikki: I hear they have cherry blossoms in Tokyo!
- Momo: Do cherry blossoms taste better than marbled pork?
- Nikki: Is that your only dream!
- Momo: My dream is marbled pork and sleep.
- Nikki: Never mind. I am going with my classmates. Life sketching must be so much fun!
- Momo: Life sketching~ Don't wear white. Paint gets on it easily.
- Nikki: I am not that clumsy! But something durable for sure. It's the outdoors after all.
Shining star (12)[]
- Momo: (The designer's piece has won the grand award! And he owed a lot of it to his model Nikki).
- Momo: Why are you leaving so early?
- Nikki: I know. Since the award, so many people have asked me to shoot print commercials. My band account is very
- Momo: Are you going alone?
- Nikki: Do you want to come?
- Momo: You are leaving your sister behind?
- Nikki: I am going on behalf of myself.
- Momo: She will be mad.
- Nikki: Stop it! Can you talk about something else?
- Momo: Uh oh, she is mad. I hope......
- Nikki: Shut up! I need to start thinking about what to wear.
- Momo: Whatever. Just blame everything on me. Mr. designer will like unique stuff.
- Nikki: But sister says to dress formally.
- Momo: Which is why Mr. designer gave you the cold shoulder earlier......
- (Doorbell rings) Oh, I got it!
- Nikki: Sister?
- Sister: Hmm, I knew you would abandon me! So I came here!
- Nikki: I didn't abandon you. I just wanted to thank the designer on my behalf.
- Sister: But I am curious as to why he gave you a present. And you should've come to my house to find me!
- Nikki: Present?
- Sister: Yeah, he said he wanted to thank you.
- Nikki: Thank me?
- Sister: He said you gave him hopes and courage and stuff. Why don't you ask him yourself!
I'm sick[]
- Nikki: Sneeze!
- Momo: Don't sneeze into my bowl!
- Nikki: Oh...... I am not feeling well......
- Momo: Please go to the hospital! Or else no one will buy me marbled pork!
- Nikki: Do I live just to buy you marbled pork?
- Momo: Hmm...... (in deep thoughts) Probably...... Maybe...... this is the whole meaning of your life (acting seriously)
- Nikki: Momo! Sneeze......
- Momo: Go on, go to the hospital! God!
- Nikki: Aww...... that was cruel.
- Momo: Don't dress so fancy if you are going to the hospital. You are not looking so good. It'll be a waste of nice clothes.
- Nikki: You just wait for me come back for you!
Premiere of the Titanic![]
- Momo: You are leaving?
- Nikki: Today is Titanic's premier. I was going to go with my sister.
- Momo: Don't girls usually go to the movies with their boyfriends?
- Nikki: Don't put salt on my wounds!
- Momo: Don't dress too fancy! You sister wouldn't like it if you looked prettier than her.
- Nikki: I will just wear a plain dress.
- Momo: Not too plain. She wouldn't like that either.
- Nikki: You are such a pain!
- Momo: I was trying to help. Why are you yelling? I thought you wanted to be cute.
The Romance of Mystery (11)[]
- Polo: What is this?
- Nikki: Oh, it's my assistant. I wanted it to see how our great detective Nikki tries to solve this big case!
- Momo: What is going on? Am I in a different realm?
- Nikki: Mr. Polo, how do you know Bella was murdered in this park?
- Polo: Because every day I would take them for a walk in the evening. When we got to the park that night, I lost them.
- Polo: I thought she was going to get grass in the park. But...... I couldn't find her anywhere......
- Polo: I thought about how weird she got lost and how those three people never liked her. I was convinced that Bella was murdered in
- Polo: But all three of them had alibis, so the only suspect is you! You monster!
- Nikki: Has it ever occurred to you that your rabbit took a walk around the park and went home on its own?
- Polo: Went home...... on its own?
- Nikki: Yeah. It took a walk, couldn't find you, and went back tot he hallway. Well......
- Nikki: If she went back to the hallway, then one of the suspects' alibi wouldn't work.
- Nikki: Correct, the criminal is the kindergarten teacher who was with her boyfriend that night!
- Momo: Oh! There it is, the moment the real criminal is revealed! But too bad the criminal isn't here......
- Polo: It's...... It's her?
- Nikki: That's right. I guess she noticed the rabbit on her way back from getting late night snacks......
- Nikki: And her boyfriend said she made him a delicious meal. She might have cooked your rabbit.
- Polo: Cooked...? She cooked it? Unforgivable!
- Nikki: Don't be mad. You know your rabbit helped create a beautiful memory under the nightfall.
- Nikki: Oh, I remember. The couple wanted to treat everyone dinner and announce their relationship. Want to go?
- Polo: My...... My rabbit...... One meal isn't going to cut it!
- Momo: Your rabbit was only a meal.
- Nikki: Let's go! I need to change into a pretty evening dress.
- Polo: Aren't you tired of always changing clothes? You can stop playing a heroine in a dressing game, and switch to a logic
- Nikki: I wish I could!