Love Nikki-Dress UP Queen! Wiki
Love Nikki-Dress UP Queen! Wiki

Mr. Lancelot is a character in Love Nikki. He is Nina's cat, and later Orlando's.



Mr. Lancelot is a small black cat with blue eyes, described as "lapis lazuli colored". Nina dressed him up as a kid, and made him a cool bowtie.[1]


Mr. Lancelot is very smart, usually able to discern the mood around him and react accordingly. Despite his "gentleman-ly" name, according to Flynn, he can be rather ferocious.[1]


Year 667[]

Mr. Lancelot was originally adopted by Nina and taken to the welfare house where she lived.[4] She was very lonely, and had no friends except for Mr. Lancelot.[5] Nina would feed him at a certain time each day at the dormitories. However, one day Mr. Lancelot protected her from bullies, and the bullies told Ms. Amanda, a worker at the welfare house, that she was keeping a cat. Mr. Lancelot disappeared then, to Nina's anguish.[3] He was afraid that he would never be able to see her again.[6]

However, in reality, Orlando and Flynn found him in the bushes outside of the welfare house. They put up a sign written in blue ink on the welfare house's lost-and-found board, which Nina found. With the help of the receptionist, Nina was able to meet Orlando and Flynn, who indeed had Mr. Lancelot. Though cats weren't allowed at the welfare house, Orlando and Flynn could see what Mr. Lancelot meant to Nina, so Orlando allowed the cat to stay at his parents' house so that Nina could visit on weekends. Mr. Lancelot thanked Orlando by jumping on him, which frightened him due to his fear of small animals.[1]

Year 670[]

Mr. Lancelot continued to live there for three years, and Nina, Orlando, and Flynn would get together every weekend and play with Mr. Lancelot.[7] However, in the year 670, Flynn died in the graduation mission. Mr. Lancelot, Orlando, and Nina were all distraught.[8] A month later, Nina made the decision to travel around the world and become a great designer under the tutelage of Mr. Wycliffe, leaving Orlando with Mr. Lancelot.[9] Suddenly lonely, Orlando had only Mr. Lancelot, and despite Orlando's initial wariness around him, they became each other's companions. Still, for the years to come, Mr. Lancelot would always sit by the window on weekends, waiting for Nina and Flynn.[10][11]

Year 680[]

In the year 680, Nina came back to the Apple Federation and went to go see Mr. Lancelot again, to his happiness.[12] Mr. Lancelot also attended Nikki's birthday party.[13]



Mr. Lancelot has always been very loyal and protective to Nina. When she was bullied at the welfare house, he stood between her and her attackers, hissing at them until they ran away. Nina considered him more as a friend than a pet, and even when he went to go live at Orlando's house, she came to visit him every weekend.

After she grew up, Nina went to travel around the world to become a great designer, so she didn't see Mr. Lancelot anymore. However, every weekend, Mr. Lancelot would go to the window and stay there all day waiting for her.


Though Mr. Lancelot was Nina's cat from the start, Orlando ended up taking care of Mr. Lancelot for years, first because she couldn't have pets at the welfare house she lived at, and then because she went to travel the world. Orlando and Mr. Lancelot became so close that Mr. Lancelot could sense what he was thinking and feeling. Even though Orlando was not fond of small animals, he grew to see Mr. Lancelot as a comfort to have by his side, and Mr. Lancelot counted on Orlando in turn.

Mr. Lancelot called Orlando "Mr. Unhappy" in his head.[14]


Mr. Lancelot and Flynn constantly butted heads, with Mr. Lancelot doing things like putting rats in his shoes and Flynn coming up with his own inventions to get revenge. However, they did like each other, and Flynn was the one who pushed the hardest for Orlando to take in Mr. Lancelot.

Mr. Lancelot called Flynn "Mr. Mindless" in his head.[14]

Appearances and Mentions[]

Main Story

This character does not appear in any Journey stages.

Around the World

This character does not appear in any Around the World stages.

Dream Weaver




Item Caption Icon
Cat Says - Encounter When I was abandoned, I thought I would never see that shy girl again. Until I met Mr. Mindless and Mr. Unhappy. Cat Says - Encounter
Cat Says - Afternoon Actually Mr. Mindless is smart and Mr. Unhappy is happy. Meow, Nina smiles. I'll make fun of Mr. Mindless today. Cat Says - Afternoon
Cat Says - Time They won't stay with me in the afternoon. I know it but I just cannot help waiting on the windowsill. Cat Says - Time


  • Story
  • "(Threatening) Hiss!"
    — Mr. Lancelot to Nina's bullies
  • "(Arrogant) Meow!"
    — Mr. Lancelot to Flynn after putting dead rats in his shoes
  • "(Sad) Meow!"
    — Mr. Lancelot upon hearing about Flynn's death
  • "(Happy) Meow!"
    — Mr. Lancelot when Orlando called him a close friend
  • "(Surprised) Meow~!"
    — Mr. Lancelot to Nina, seeing her after ten years apart

Name by Server[]

Version Name (Romanized)
International International (English) Mr. Lancelot
France Flag International (French) Mr. Lancelot
Chinese Flag China (Simplified) 兰斯洛特先生 (Lán sì luó tè xiān shèng)
Korean Flag South Korea 랜슬롯 씨 (Laenseullot ssi)


  • Mr. Lancelot has a social media profile on the site called Tide. The account owner, who is likely his owner Orlando, posts pictures of him with captions such as "Meow! Meow meow! Meow!" His posts regularly get around 3,000 likes.



