Love Nikki-Dress UP Queen! Wiki
Love Nikki-Dress UP Queen! Wiki
Momo's Paradise

Momo's Paradise was a time-limited Wish Court pavilion that ran from November 12th to November 23th, 2020.

After getting all items along with all of the items in the time limited Users Furniture Sale, the Momo visitor will be unlocked.

List of Furniture[]

Super Rare Furniture 6 Heart[]

Icon Name Style Type
CannedBathtubIcon Canned Bathtub Apple Tag Bathroom

5-star Super Rare 5 Heart[]

Icon Name Style Type
GrilledFishDreamlandIcon Grilled Fish Dreamland Apple Tag Bed
MomosTreasureChestIcon Momo's Treasure Chest Apple Tag Major Appliance
TimeforBarbecueIcon Time for Barbecue Apple Tag Ornament
CatEarWardrobeIcon Cat Ear Wardrobe Apple Tag Cabinet
KitchenCounterIcon Kitchen Counter Apple Tag Kitchen

4-star Treasured 4 Heart[]

Icon Name Style Type
SpecialCatDoorIcon Special Cat Door Apple Tag Door
MomosTerritoryIcon Momo's Territory Apple Tag Floor
CatsEverywhereIcon Cats Everywhere Apple Tag Wall
CozyandComfortIcon Cozy and Comfort Apple Tag Wall Decor
MomosKnowledgeIcon Momo's Knowledge Apple Tag Wall Decor
BowTieCarpetIcon Bow Tie Carpet Apple Tag Carpet
MomoSofaIcon Momo Sofa Apple Tag Chair
WashPawsIcon Wash Paws Apple Tag Bathroom
DailyMeditationIcon Daily Meditation Apple Tag Bathroom
MomoOnlineIcon Momo Online Apple Tag Cabinet
DoubleCatTableIcon Double Cat Table Apple Tag Table

3-star Treasured 3 Heart[]

Icon Name Style Type
LowMomoLampIcon Low Momo Lamp Apple Tag Small Appliance
AmbrosiaforCatsIcon Ambrosia for Cats Apple Tag Ornament
StuffedGiftyIcon Stuffed Gifty Apple Tag Ornament
APotofCatGrassIcon A Pot of Cat Grass Apple Tag Plant
MiniTowerRackIcon Mini Towel Rack Apple Tag Wall Decor
AlienCatCabinetIcon Alien Cat Cabinet Apple Tag Cabinet
CatTimeIcon Cat Time Apple Tag Wall Decor
ThePastoftheCatIcon The Past of the Cat Apple Tag Wall Decor
AllSpicesIcon All Spices Apple Tag Wall Decor
GrilledFishTableLinenIcon Grilled Fish Table Linen Apple Tag Table
CatClawShoeCabinetIcon Cat Claw Shoe Cabinet Apple Tag Cabinet
KittenFaceLowTableIcon Kitten Face Low Table Apple Tag Table
DallyReadingIcon Daily Reading Apple Tag Cabinet


Name by Server[]

Version Name (Romanized) Translation
International International (English) Momo's Paradise N/A
France Flag International (French) Paradis de Momo Momo's Paradise
Chinese Flag China 大喵的乐园 (Dàmiāo de lèyuán) Momo's Paradise
Taiwanese Flag Hong Kong Flag Macau Flag
Taiwan/Hong Kong/Macau
大喵的樂園 (Dàmiāo de lèyuán) Momo's Paradise
Japanese Flag Japan モモの楽園 (Momo no rakuen) Momo's Paradise
Korean Flag South Korea 모모의 동산 (momoui dongsan) Momo's Garden
Vietnam Flag Vietnam Khu Vui Chơi MuMu Momo Amusement Park
Indonesia Flag Indonesia Taman Bermain Momo Momo's Playground
Thailand Flag Thailand สวนสนุกโมโม่ (S̄wn s̄nuk mo mò) Momo Amusement Park
Singapore Flag Southeast Asia (English) N/A N/A