Love Nikki-Dress UP Queen! Wiki
Love Nikki-Dress UP Queen! Wiki
Nikki Reflects sticker
"You... do you think we look a bit similar?"
This article is about the outfit assembly event. For the waist accessory from Nebula Echo, please see Meteor Rain (Waist).

Under the vast starry sky, Nikki choses her eyes and makes a wish to a meteor rain. Style based on Starlet's reading of the stars, collect Wish Stars, and help Nikki realize her dream!

Meteor Rain is an outfit assembly event that ran from September 5th to the 11th, 2019.

How to Play[]

Choose the clothing that matches the theme in order to win Wish Stars Wish Star. Collect Wish Stars Wish Star to win the suit Maiden's Prayer, Gold, Stamina, Starlight Coin, and Diamonds. Each day the player is issued 1 free try, with which they can choose six wardrobe items that fit the theme.

Each correct item chosen awards an S-rank and 5 Wish Star, and picking all six items correctly will award 30 additional Wish Star. The next best option will award an A-rank and 3 Wish Star, and the most incorrect option will give an F-rank and 1 Wish Stars. Additional chances can be purchased for 30 Diamonds each.


Collection Rewards[]

Maiden's Prayer[]

# Collected Reward
220 Wish Star Birthday Star + 5,000 Gold
530 Wish Star Starlight Dots + 5 Stamina
920 Wish Star Golden Quicksand + 3 Starlight Coin
1,400 Wish Star Time Sloping + 10,000 Gold
1,920 Wish Star Wing of Star and Moon + 8 Stamina
2,470 Wish Star Original New Moon + 5 Starlight Coin
3,030 Wish Star Moonlight Goddess + 15,000 Gold
3,420 Wish Star Glistening Meteor + 20 Diamonds

