Lucky Bags is a special Recharge event. To obtain the suits, recharge to obtain currency. When the player collects a certain amount of currency, they'll be able to claim a Lucky Bag
. Each Lucky Bag
contains one of 5 suits.
Though Lucky Bags will not contain sets a player already owns, extra currency does not carry over from season to season.
Recharge Rewards[]
- $1.99 - Currency x2
- $4.99 - Currency x5
- $9.99 - Currency x11
- $19.99 - Currency x23
- $49.99 - Currency x60
- $99.99 - Currency x130
Season 1[]

The first season ran from April 11th to the 27th, 2018.
Recharge to obtain Nikki Stars
. The numbers of Nikki Stars
required for each Lucky Bag
are 5, 21, 43, 65, and 130. Each Lucky Bag
contains one of the 5 suits.
The last Lucky Bag will contain the Ode to Glory set.
Note: When the season first occurred, the lucky bag currency was not used up. However, upon return, the mechanics of Lucky Bags changed so that lucky bag currency was used up upon claiming a bag . The amount of currency needed to claim a Lucky Bag
was adjusted to compensate for the change, with the prices staying the same.
Season 2[]

The second season ran from September 25th to October 12th, 2018.
Recharge to obtain Lotus Necklets
. Exchange Lotus Necklets
for Lucky Bags
to obtain one of the 5 suits. The numbers of Lotus Necklets
required for each Lucky Bag
are 5, 16, 22, 22, and 22. After using a Wish Lot, player will get Jade Tokens
. Lotus Necklets
are used up after claiming a suit. After obtaining all five suits, the player can choose whether to continue on to the suits for Season 1.
Season 3[]

The third season ran from March 25th to April 12th, 2019.
Recharge to obtain Jade Amulets
. Exchange Jade Amulets
for Lucky Bags
to obtain one of the 5 suits. The numbers of Jade Amulets
required for each Lucky Bag
are 5, 16, 22, 22, and 22. Jade Amulets
are used up after claiming a suit. After obtaining all five suits, the player can choose whether to continue on to the suits for Season 1 or Season 2.
Season 4[]

The fourth season ran from April 20th to May 6th, 2020.
Recharge to obtain Jade Pendants
. Exchange Jade Pendants
for Lucky Bags
to obtain one of the suits. The numbers of Jade Pendants
required for each Lucky Bag
are 5, 16, 22, 22, and 22. Jade Pendants
are used up after claiming a suit. After obtaining all five suits, the player can choose whether to continue on to the suits for Seasons 1, 2, or 3.
Note: A concurrent Cumulative Recharge ran during the same time period, containing the suit God of Wind for 6,300 .
Season 5[]

The fifth season ran from November 3rd to the 17th, 2021.
Recharge to obtain Jade Pendants
. Exchange Jade Pendants
for Lucky Bags
to obtain one of the suits. The numbers of Jade Pendants
required for each Lucky Bag
are 5, 16, 22, 22, and 22. Jade Pendants
are used up after claiming a suit. After obtaining all five suits, the player can choose whether to continue on to the suits for Seasons 1, 2, 3 or 4.
Note: A concurrent Cumulative Recharge ran during the same time period, containing the suit Dream of Whale for 6,300 .
Season 6[]

The sixth season ran from August 11th to the 31st, 2022.
Recharge to obtain Lucky Locks
. Exchange Lucky Locks
for Lucky Bags
to obtain one of the suits. The numbers of Lucky Locks
required for each Lucky Bag
are 5, 16, 22, 22, and 22. Lucky Locks
are used up after claiming a suit. After obtaining all five suits, the player can choose whether to continue on to the suits for Seasons 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5.
Note: A concurrent Cumulative Recharge event ran during the same time period, including the suit Aria of Extreme Abyss for 6,300 and old recharges of the same format.
Season 7[]

The seventh season ran from July 12th to August 1st, 2023.
Recharge to obtain Silk Pouches
. Exchange Silk Pouches
for Lucky Bags
to obtain one of the suits. The numbers of Silk Pouches
required for each Lucky Bag
are 5, 16, 22, 22, and 22. Silk Pouches
are used up after claiming a suit. After obtaining all five suits, the player can choose whether to continue on to the suits for Seasons 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, or 6.
Note: A concurrent Cumulative Recharge event ran during the same time period, including the suit Glazed Petals for 6,300 and old recharges of the same format.
Season 8[]

The eighth season ran from April 11th to May 1st, 2024.
Recharge to obtain Jade Circlets
. Exchange Jade Circlets
for Lucky Bags
to obtain one of the suits. The numbers of Jade Circlets
required for each Lucky Bag
are 5, 16, 22, 22, and 22. Jade Circlets
are used up after claiming a suit. After obtaining all five suits, the player can choose whether to continue on to the suits for Seasons 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, or 7.
Note: A concurrent Cumulative Recharge event ran during the same time period, including the suit Rising Clouds for 6,300 and old recharges of the same format.