Love Nikki-Dress UP Queen! Wiki
Love Nikki-Dress UP Queen! Wiki

The details of the page will vary based on the type of event. Generally, it is best to copy the format from a recent event of the same type. Types of events can be viewed at Event Types, and links lead to categories of events of that type.

However, here is the basic structure for "normal" events:


{{Tabber|tab2 = Map}}
{{Event Infobox
|name = Event Name
|image = [[File:Event Poster.png|300px]]
|type = Event Type(s)
|dates = January 1<sup>st</sup> {{em}} December 31<sup>st</sup>, 2019
|seasons = # of Seasons
|currency = Event Currency {{Currency|}}
|# of suits = # of suits
|come back = Reoccurring, no comeback, or N/A
|suits return = Crafting, store, or N/A
{{Quotation|In-game narrative event description (usually related to the lore or story behind the event).}}

'''Event Name''' is a primary event type event that ran from January 1st to December 31st, 2019. Any other general information can be listed here, such as whether it was a collaboration or if the suits will not return.

== How to Play ==
Description of event mechanics. (This should be copied from an event with similar mechanics.) Make sure to include how to play, the name of the event currency, information about free tries and costs to reset, and say which suits you can earn.

If the event includes styling, include a list of the theme(s) here, with the description of the themes and the attributes.

==Collection Rewards==
If the event is tiered, include a list of what you can get from the event and what tier it's at.

If the event is choice, include the suits with how much currency each piece costs.

<gallery hideaddbutton=true>
Love Nikki-Dress Up Queen Event Name

How to Use[]

Page tutorial4

This code should be copied and pasted into the source editor of the page you'd like to make.



  • The event poster should be obtained from in-game, when it appears at the beginning of the game on the start-up screen. Screenshots can be found in the #wiki-pic-dump channel of the Discord server. Remember that this disappears after the event ends and is usually not found on any social media.
  • The currency should be screenshotted at the highest resolution available and put in the template {{Currency}}. Screenshots are generally found in the same channel.
    • In stamina events, you can get the high quality version by playing through a stage manually, and screenshotting when you are awarded it at the end.
    • In most other events, you have to participate in the event to get the full screenshot.
  • The video should be obtained from the official Youtube channel and uploaded at Special:Videos. Some events don't have a video.


  • The template {{Tabber}} should be used any time an event has a map or story section.
  • The primary event type that appears in the first line refers to the FORMAT/GAMEPLAY of the event (the first set of categories on the page Event Types). It does not refer to Choice, Tiered, or any other modifiers like Welfare.
  • For Choice events, you can just use the wardrobe list from the suit page most of the time and add the currency next to it.
  • Event Maps go on another page, and should be linked to in the description of event mechanics. Similarly, if there is a lot of event text, it should also get its own page, such as in the Star Lily Case Files event, which has the Star Lily Case Files/Dialogue page at the top.
  • Events with many suits should also get their own gallery with pictures of each suit, especially if the event poster does not contain all the suits. An example is Brave New World/Cloud Realm.


All events should get the following categories:

  • Category:Events - NOT "Event", which means you obtain an item from an event. Rather, this category is a "list of events" hence the plural.
  • Category:2017 Events, Category:2018 Events, Category:2019 Events, Category:2020 Events, OR Category:Reoccurring Events
    • This is based on the start date of the event.
    • This can change if an event becomes reoccurring. Make sure to remove the old category and add the reoccurring one. Make sure to also do this for the category page of the event.
  • Event Types
    • Read this page carefully before assigning categories. There are three general sets of categories.
    • One is for the format/gameplay of the event and refers to how you get currency. Each event will have only one of these. If a new type has sprung up, please make a new entry for it.
    • One is for how the clothing is obtained. This set consists of "choice" and "tiered". An event can have either choice or tiered, both (such as events where one suit is choice and one is tiered), or neither (such as pavilion events which are random).
    • One is for any additional modifiers that may apply to the event.
  • The name of the event itself. Suits and items will also get this category.
    • This category should itself get the category of the year and the event types, but not the category "Events".