Love Nikki-Dress UP Queen! Wiki
Love Nikki-Dress UP Queen! Wiki
Love Nikki-Dress UP Queen! Wiki
Free Dressing-Home
Home feature

Promotional picture from Love Nikki's Facebook account demonstrating the Home feature

The Home feature is an aspect of the game that allows the player to customize and design their own house. The houses are purely decorative and do not currently serve a function in the gameplay. They are unlocked upon completing V1: 4-1 Rainy Seashore City in Maiden.[1]

Obtaining Furniture[]

Users Furniture[]

User's Furniture icon

The furniture store allows the user to purchase furniture with Heart Tickets Heart Ticket, Gold Gold, or Diamonds Diamonds. This furniture, similar to the Clothes Store, does not disappear.

Wish Court[]

Wish Court icon

The wish courts allow the user to draw from a pavilion, or "wish", to gain furniture and gold Gold. There exist both long term and limited time pavilions, which each offer the user 1 free wish and 5 discounted wishes after 48 hours.

Group Buy[]

Group Buy icon

Group Buy is available to those in a community each Saturday and Sunday. For the duration of each day, if at least two of the four members put a down payment on one of the four offered objects, they will be able to gain the item for a discounted price by paying the rest the following day. The Group Buy feature offers two pieces of furniture from the Users Furniture shop as well as two items limited to group buying. Group buy selections are different for each community.

Furniture Crafting[]

located in My Furniture

The user can decompose furniture items they do not desire for Dreamy Twigs Dreamy Twig, Glowing Yarn Glowing Yarn, and Polished Stone Polished Stone. These elements can then be combined in various proportions on the Craft screen in order to obtain a furniture item corresponding to the materials used.

There are no guaranteed results in Furniture Crafting; however, the recipes that result in a particular item are saved in the memory, allowing the user to try again if they want to obtain the same item. Different combinations of materials will influence the item gained.

Life Bits[]

Life Bits icon

The player can gain Heart Tickets Heart Ticket by completing Life Bits. There are three options, each spanning various amounts of time and giving different amounts of Heart Tickets. After selecting an option and waiting the amount of time specified, you will be able to retrieve the tickets.

Life Bits Menu
Amount of Time Tickets Gained
4 Hours 10 Heart Ticket
8 Hours 20 Heart Ticket
24 Hours 60 Heart Ticket


My Community icon

Joining a community allows the user to give and receive extra Heart Tickets Heart Ticket every day. Each community can hold four people. If a player is inactive in a community for 15 days, they will be automatically removed from the community.

Visit Member icon

On the community screen, you can visit the other members by clicking the pink Visit button below their names. At their home, if they are currently doing Life Bits, you will be able to do Life Bits in their home as well. Doing Life Bits in someone else's home is instant, and you will get 2 Heart Ticket.

The other player will also get 2 Heart Ticket when they finish their own life bits, as well as the ones they would normally gain. If all three of the other members of your community do Life Bits in your home, you will be able to get 6 extra Heart Tickets Heart Ticket when you finish your Life Bits. For example, if you had the 24 Hour Life Bits going, you would end up with 66 Heart Ticket rather than 60 Heart Ticket.

This means that if you do Life Bits in all 3 of your community members' homes and they also do Life Bits in your home, you will get 12 extra Heart Ticket each day.

Joining a community also allows you to participate in Group Buy and Community Tea Party.

Visiting Others[]

Wander icon

You can visit any of your friends or association members at any time you want. You can also Wander, which allows you to visit a random player's home as long as they have moved it from the default state.

You can like or comment on another player's home by using the buttons at the bottom left of the screen. The player will be able to read the messages the next time they return to their house. You can read comments left on your home by clicking the BBS button in the bottom left of your own home.

Home Stylist[]

Home Stylist icon
For more information, see Home Stylist.

Home Stylist is a feature that allows players of Love Nikki to decorate each others' rooms through a system of commissions.

Levels and Rooms[]

Rooms icon

Homes all have levels that determine the capabilities of their home.

House Level Description Capabilities Requirement
Level 1 Warm Hut
  • Open floor 1
Own 1 clothing item
Level 2 Refined House
  • Open floor 2
  • Unlocks furniture: Stairs
  • Furniture Gift: All about Steel
  • Unlocks Community Function
Own 300 clothing items
Level 3 Deluxe Villa
  • Open floor 3
  • Unlocks furniture: Kitchen, Bathroom
  • Furniture Gift: All about Steel
  • Transportation Gift: Youthful Journey
Own 1000 clothing items
Level 4 Deluxe Villa Own 1000 clothing items
Cost: 218 Diamonds
Level 5 Deluxe Villa
  • Unlock the 5th floor
  • Can unlock room function
  • Furniture Gift: All about Steel
Own 1000 clothing items

There are three vehicles you can choose to display outside of your house on the Town screen that are purely cosmetic: Low-carbon (Bicycle), Youthful Journey (White Car), and Long Vacation (Motorbike). There are two other vehicles that can be obtained from events: Dancing Lion (Dragon) and Dionysus' Ecstasy (Pirate Ship).

You can have up to fifteen rooms in your home, with 5 stories and 3 rooms on each floor. Each costs diamonds to unlock, except for Room 1-1, which is free, and Room 1-2, which can be unlocked for free upon purchasing 5-1.

Each room can be expanded multiple times.

Room size Cost
18x18 198 Diamonds
20x20 218 Diamonds
22x22 238 Diamonds
24x24 268 Diamonds
26x26 298 Diamonds
28x28 328 Diamonds

The player can navigate through rooms by either clicking on a staircase in a room, which will show the room directly above it, or by using the staircase icon in the top left.


By default, each player has a sprite of Nikki wearing a cherry-patterned dress and black shoes in their Home. Other chibi can mainly be unlocked by completing time-limited Wish Court pavilions.

Name Chibi How to Gain
Cherry Youth CherryYouth Default
Misty Snow Misty Snow Collect all furniture from the Blue Snow Pavilion.
Chocolate Maid SweetChocolate Purchase Chocolate Maid pack in the User's Shop.
$2.99 USD — contains 150 Diamonds and 150 VIP Exp
Royal Guard RoyalGuardian Collect all furniture from the Castle Thrill pavilion and the time-limited Sale. Based on Neva's default appearance, the 4 Seasons suit Royal Guardian.
Snowy Night Gift Snowy Night Gift Collect all furniture from the Brilliant Christmas Eve pavilion.
Sakura Daisy Sakura Daisy Spend 2,000 Heart Ticket from January 11th to the 20th, 2019.
Little Sailor In the Sun Little Sailor In the Sun Collect all furniture from the Poem of Sail and Sea pavilion.
Wedding Nikki WeddingNikki Collect all furniture from the Time of Flower & Love pavilion. Based on the Happiness suit Poetic Future.
Time Collector TimeCollector Spend 2,000 Heart Ticket from February 5th to the 11th, 2019.
Time Traveler TimeTravelerChibi Collect all furniture from the Near Future Echo pavilion.
Spring Grace SpringGraceChibi Collect all furniture from the Spring Impression pavilion.
Pâtissier PatissierChibi Collect all furniture from the Fairy Tale Bakery pavilion.
Little Learned Detective Little Learned Detective Chibi Collect all furniture from the Sunday's Street pavilion. The Apple suit Smart Detective is based on this sprite.
Foggy Lotus FoggyLotusChibi Spend 2,000 Heart Ticket
Daughter of Sun Daughter of Sun Collect all furniture from the Muntratus Temple pavilion.
Blue Blossom BlueBlossomChibi Collect all furniture from the Nikki's Memory House pavilion. Based on Nikki's sprite in the game Hello Nikki-Let's Beauty Up.
Paintball Charge PaintballChargeChibi Collect all furniture from the Camouflage Club pavilion.
Spring Gardener SpringGardenerChibi Collect all furniture from the Sakura Yard pavilion.
Stars in Night StarsinNightChibi Collect all furniture from the Midsummer Night's Dream pavilion. The Lilith suit Stars in Night is based on this sprite.
Orchid Under the Moon Orchid Under the Moon Collect all furniture from the Modern Metropolis pavilion.
Cute Squirrel CuteSquirrelChibi Collect all furniture from the Golden Autumn Pinecone Song pavilion.
Time Flow Guardian TimeFlowGuardian Collect all furniture from the Birthday Party pavilion.
Auspicious Snow AuspiciousSnowChibi Collect all furniture from the Moonlit Park pavilion.
Forest Explorer ForestExplorerChibi Collect all furniture from the Holiday Campground pavilion.
Mechanical Magician MechanicalMagicianChibi Collect all furniture from the Home of Steam Fantasy pavilion.
A Sunny Day ASunnyDayChibi Collect all furniture from the Rainbow Park pavilion. Based on the Apple suit A Sunny Day.
Radiant Invitation RadiantInvitationChibi Collect all furniture from the New Year Night pavilion.
Pastoral Fairy Tale PastoralFairyTaleChibi Collect all furniture from the Spring Garden Café pavilion.
Bunny Confectioner BunnyConfectionerChibi Collect all furniture from the Secret Bunny Lounge pavilion. Based on the Apple suit Military Alice
Azure Sea Foam AzureSeaFoamChibi Collect all furniture from the Coral Sea pavilion.
Sincere Joy SincereJoyChibi Collect all furniture from the Harvest Day pavilion.
Fluffy Messenger FluffyMessengerChibi Collect all furniture from the Snowy Holy Night pavilion.
Graceful Dawn GracefulDawnChibi Collect all furniture from the Stellar Hall pavilion.
Love Dream Diviner LoveDreamDivinerChibi Collect all furniture from the Dream of Love and Magic pavilion.
Stubborn Knight StubbornKnightChibi Collect all furniture from the Pixel Adventure pavilion. Based on the Festivals suit Stubborn Knight
Adorablest Master AdorablestMasterChibi Collect all furniture from the Cozy Inn pavilion.
Mysterious Ocean Swirl MysteriousOceanSwirlChibi Collect all furniture from the Mysterious Ocean Aquarium pavilion. Based on the Gallery suit Mysterious Ocean Swirl
Starlight Narrator SarlightNarrator Collect all furniture from the Whitemoon Tower pavilion.
Trick or Treat Collect all furniture from the Fantastic Party pavilion.


Visit Others icon

Players can unlock visitors for their house by completing certain limited time wish court pavilions and the flash sale that comes with it.

Visitor Preview How to Gain
Zhu Yuxian ZhuYuxianSprite Collect furniture from Pavilion of Rain Melody pavilion and the furniture from the time-limited Sale. (Unreleased)
Neva RoyalGuardian Collect furniture from Castle Thrill pavilion and the furniture from the time-limited Sale
Momo MomoSprite Collect furniture from Momo's Paradise pavilion and the furniture from the time-limited Sale.
Royce Royce Home Chibi Collect furniture from Mansion of Dawn Light pavilion and the furniture from the time-limited Sale

Name by Server[]

Version Name (Romanized) Translation
International International (English) Home N/A
France Flag International (French) Rentrer à la Maison Go Home
Chinese Flag China 前往小屋 (Qiánwǎng xiǎowū) Go to the Cottage
Taiwanese Flag Hong Kong Flag Macau Flag
Taiwan/Hong Kong/Macau
前往小屋 (Qiánwǎng xiǎowū) Go to the Cottage
Japanese Flag Japan ニキハウス (Nikihausu) Nikki House
Korean Flag South Korea 니키의 집 (nikiui jib) Nikki's House
Vietnam Flag Vietnam Đến Nhà Nhỏ Go to Little House
Indonesia Flag Indonesia Rumah House
Thailand Flag Thailand ไปที่บ้านเล็ก (Pị thī̀ b̂ān lĕk) Go to Small House
Singapore Flag Southeast Asia (English) Go to Cottage N/A


