Love Nikki-Dress UP Queen! Wiki
Love Nikki-Dress UP Queen! Wiki

George Carter is a character in Love Nikki. He is the president of the Apple Federation.



George has no given appearance.


George is a selfish man who only cares about remaining president.


Prior to Year 680[]

George became the leader of the Rosset Group, with support from some of the families. He allowed the group to expand and acquire other companies, but this caused a lot of rumors and suspicion.[1] Companies that refused the Rosset Group acquisition suffered through government audits that harmed their revenue.[2]

Year 680[]

George's term as president was ending this year. He canceled numerous appearances, including interviewing the newly appointed Wind Whisperer of the Windvale Tribe, attending the Mercury's Financial Report Conference, and meeting with the International Court representatives, with the excuse of illness. Some suspected that the Federal Security Agency was investigating George and thus kept him out of the public eye.[3]

Indeed George was being investigated, but Reid Mercury got him out of house arrest. George then announced edicts for trade between the Apple Federation and the free trade zones of the Cloud Empire and North Kingdom. The edicts put him under lots of pressure that hurt his approval ratings, but when he called Reid to talk about it, Reid threatened the president.[4]


Reid Mercury[]

Reid and the Mercury Group support Carter's presidency, but with the condition that George continues to create policies that align with Reid's goals.


He and Kimi are opponents in the Year 680 election.

Appearances and Mentions[]

Main Story

Around the World

This character does not appear in any Around the World stages.

Dream Weaver

This character does not appear in any Dream Weaver stages.




This character is not mentioned in any individual items.

Name by Server[]

Version Name (Romanized)
International International (English) George Carter
France Flag International (French) George Carter
Chinese Flag China (Simplified) 乔治•卡特 (qiáozhì kǎtè)
Japanese Flag Japan ジョージ・カート (jōji kāto)


