Love Nikki-Dress UP Queen! Wiki
Love Nikki-Dress UP Queen! Wiki

Furniture Crafting is accessed through the Home feature by selecting the "My Furniture" button and then "Craft". Once in the crafting screen, players may switch between crafting and decomposing by clicking the orange and green buttons in the upper right corner of the screen.

In order to craft furniture, extra furniture pieces can be decomposed into three types of crafting materials, which are then used to make rare furniture items. Unlike clothes crafting, there are no set recipes to craft specific furniture items.


Furniture is decomposed into three materials: Dreamy Twigs Dreamy Twig, Glowing Yarn Glowing Yarn, and Polished Stone Polished Stone. The amount of each item will vary slightly even when the same type of furniture is decomposed.

By default, only furniture pieces where more than one is owned can be decomposed. The player may turn off this option, though this results in the risk of decomposing items no longer obtainable.


Crafting requires a random quantity of Dreamy Twigs Dreamy Twig, Glowing Yarn Glowing Yarn, and Polished Stone Polished Stone. The player may choose the quantity desired to craft with or use the "Random" button to generate a random amount of each material.

All items crafted are recorded at the bottom of the crafting screen. Players can view both their own crafted items and a record of friends' crafted items.

By selecting the "Take" button beneath the item record, the quantities of each crafting material used to obtain that item are filled into their respective material fields. However, this does not guarantee that the same item will be crafted.

Limited Furniture[]

5-star Super Rare 5 Heart[]

Icon Name Style Type
NikkiandMomoIcon Nikki and Momo Apple Tag Ornament
GiftyPowderBrushIcon Gifty-Powder Brush Apple Tag Wall Decor
SuperBigDiamondIcon Super Big Diamond Apple Tag Ornament

4-star Treasured 4 Heart[]

Icon Name Style Type
GreenVinesIcon Green Vines Apple Tag Ornament
BlackPhoneIcon Black Phone Apple Tag Ornament
WhitePhoneIcon White Phone Apple Tag Ornament
PinkStardreamCoinIcon Pink Stardream Coin Apple Tag Ornament
GlitteringStarCoinIcon Glittering Star Coin Apple Tag Ornament
MomosGoldIcon Momo's Gold Apple Tag Ornament
GiftyMonitorIcon Gifty-Monitor Apple Tag Ornament
GiftPerformerIcon Gifty-Performer Apple Tag Ornament
ThepagecannotbedisplayedIcon The page cannot be displayed Apple Tag Carpet

3-star Treasured 3 Heart[]

Icon Name Style Type
WhiteSquareWelcomeIcon White Square-Welcome Apple Tag Carpet
RedSquareMeIcon Red Square-Me Apple Tag Carpet
RedSquareWelcomeIcon Red Square-Welcome Apple Tag Carpet
RedSquareHerIcon Red Square-Her Apple Tag Carpet
WhiteSquareHimIcon White Square-Him Apple Tag Carpet
RedSquareYouIcon Red Square-You Apple Tag Carpet
SquareBrickGreenIcon Square Brick-Green Apple Tag Ornament
FanshapedBrickGreenIcon Fan-shaped Brick-Green Apple Tag Ornament
SquareBrickBlueIcon Square Brick-Blue Apple Tag Ornament
FanshapedBrickBlueIcon Fan-shaped Brick-Blue Apple Tag Ornament
SquareBrickYellowIcon Square Brick-Yellow Apple Tag Ornament
FanshapedBrickYellowIcon Fan-shaped Brick-Yellow Apple Tag Ornament
SquareBrickRedIcon Square Brick-Red Apple Tag Ornament
FanshapedBrickRedIcon Fan-shaped Brick-Red Apple Tag Ornament
SquareBrickBlackIcon Square Brick-Black Apple Tag Ornament
FanshapedBrickBlackIcon Fan-shaped Brick-Black Apple Tag Ornament
SquareBrickWhiteIcon Square Brick-White Apple Tag Ornament
FanshapedBrickWhiteIcon Fan-shaped Brick-White Apple Tag Ornament

Furniture Recipes[]

These are known recipes for crafted items. If you get the same item with a different combination, please add that information as well.

Furniture Dreamy Twig Glowing Yarn Polished Stone
Black Phone 83 40 27
76 37 24
91 25 30
90 44 50
Fan-shaped Brick-Black 10 10 10
15 15 15
29 83 26
36 86 14
30 58 42
44 11 84
20 10 10
70 70 70
80 80 80
18 12 18
12 22 85
99 99 99
40 52 44
Fan-shaped Brick-Blue 10 10 10
46 11 14
60 64 88
70 70 70
82 58 70
88 15 16
99 10 24
99 61 78
99 85 99
99 99 99
43 17 99
15 11 15
11 96 94
21 97 10
30 58 42
28 47 10
33 58 46
70 33 16
Fan-shaped Brick-Green 20 15 10
20 20 20
44 39 32
34 55 24
99 15 86
38 86 91
26 10 25
30 10 27
32 13 23
99 99 99
11 96 94
21 97 10
79 22 21
10 10 10
Fan-shaped Brick-Red 11 11 11
98 21 70
20 77 64
10 10 10
97 55 16
99 99 99
16 91 67
Fan-shaped Brick-White 10 10 10
20 15 10
30 90 92
30 58 42
42 18 47
49 68 43
50 50 50
57 73 30
99 14 14
83 57 74
15 11 15
16 12 16
24 14 51
68 20 10
62 15 17
Fan-shaped Brick-Yellow 10 10 10
25 29 14
90 28 60
90 90 90
94 37 93
91 96 85
16 12 16
85 12 67
61 18 61
79 39 11
79 28 11
94 77 82
Gifty-Monitor 20 32 41
42 18 47
46 23 30
30 58 42
50 64 71
44 39 32
39 51 42
58 46 72
40 52 44
26 17 63
56 29 73
Gifty-Performer 50 64 71
52 19 66
70 70 70
58 46 72
50 50 50
74 29 67
Gifty-Powder Brush 90 35 83
Glittering Star Coin 32 53 43
30 58 42
40 40 40
50 50 50
60 60 60
58 46 72
41 52 45
80 38 26
33 40 37
52 45 54
76 37 24
Green Vines 30 58 42
50 64 71
50 50 50
41 52 45
Momo's Gold 40 52 44
50 50 50
39 30 59
60 60 60
10 54 70
51 43 54
52 45 54
41 52 45
Nikki and Momo 58 46 72
58 46 69
Pink Stardream Coin 46 23 54
50 50 50
40 52 44
41 62 45
82 24 27
41 52 45
Red Square-Her 31 30 34
40 40 40
50 50 50
39 51 42
49 26 74
58 46 72
32 37 49
61 43 61
52 45 54
Red Square-Me 50 64 71
40 40 40
80 80 80
50 50 50
48 21 35
33 45 56
71 56 35
52 45 54
Red Square-Welcome 20 32 41
30 58 42
25 38 92
30 30 30
40 40 40
70 70 70
58 46 72
33 58 46
59 34 63
29 25 65
Red Square-You 29 43 28
50 50 50
60 60 60
75 32 41
76 37 24
58 46 72
45 34 56
Square Brick-Black 10 10 10
44 11 84
20 20 20
17 13 17
61 24 60
76 37 24
Square Brick-Blue 70 52 45
30 58 42
39 51 42
64 36 64
50 50 50
Square Brick-Green 61 57 57
58 46 72
71 56 35
44 48 84
76 37 24
Square Brick-Red 10 10 10
11 11 11
15 83 10
24 24 23
46 28 39
26 18 19
66 39 34
76 37 24
20 10 10
16 12 27
87 27 24
70 33 16
90 26 21
Square Brick-White 10 10 10
30 58 42
10 15 10
21 11 21
Square Brick-Yellow 58 46 72
30 58 42
50 50 50
26 58 92
Super Big Diamond 30 58 42
The page cannot be displayed 81 93 32
83 61 23
60 60 60
50 64 71
87 94 47
93 86 32
50 50 50
99 90 80
58 46 72
41 52 45
White Phone 50 50 50
52 45 54
64 36 64
White Square-Him 50 64 71
74 51 78
58 46 72
40 52 44
78 77 62
81 57 67
White Square-Welcome 46 23 54
40 52 44
60 60 60
69 49 87
80 80 80
67 68 52
42 79 89
58 46 72
82 38 50
62 30 48
50 50 50
78 77 62
85 37 67
33 45 56


