Love Nikki-Dress UP Queen! Wiki
Love Nikki-Dress UP Queen! Wiki

The Fair Future College is a school located in Glavier, North, founded by Yvette in the year 680.


The Fair Future College teaches a variety of courses, and it is unique in that it teaches its students skills other than designing and styling. Some of the courses offered include agriculture, handcrafting, hunting, and even railway maintenance.[1]


Year 680[]

After her time living in Glavier, a town without many resources and whose residents are not considered good at styling,[3] Yvette was inspired to create the Fair Future College. She announced her plans to create a school with many courses that weren't designing or styling, and the plan received mixed reviews: some viewed it as brave and worth watching, while some were skeptical and thought the "gimmicky" school would just turn into another styling school eventually.[1]

Shortly afterwards, the college released their first list of faculty, which listed the former royal designer Prucius. Prucius invested his own funds into the college, though critics of the school like Ulysses pointed out that this money wouldn't last forever and that they would eventually need to "earn profit by training talented designers".[1]

They also contacted the knights of the royal city (Black Water City) and applied to adopt orphans who had lost their parents in the war. Some children who were interested in the Fair Future College were sent there to become students. This move was criticized by the Sacred Heart Orphanage, with the people there believing that Yvette was endangering the orphans' future for her own school's sake.[1]

The college got off to a slow start, with no students showing up to register at first.[2]

The college held a ten-day opening event that showcased the different classes the school would offer. During this trial period, a "no style contests" rule was put into effect, though they were technically still allowed. Students instead resolved their disputes by turning to experts for advice. A reporter attended the opening event and wrote about it later. It was noted that the students who attended it were smiling, making observers consider the importance of having willing, interested students.[1]

Overall, the Fair Future College was viewed favorably, with many parliament members meeting to discuss the innovative new school. They praised Yvette's ideas, and one parliamentarian named Damien supported similar schools being set up in other poor regions.[1]

Name by Server[]

Version Name (Romanized) Translation
International International (English) Fair Future College N/A
France Flag International (French) Collège Avenir Équitable Fair Future College
Chinese Flag China 平等未来学院 (píngděng wèilái xuéyuàn) Equal Future Academy
Indonesia Flag Indonesia N/A N/A
Thailand Flag Thailand N/A N/A
Singapore Flag Southeast Asia (English) N/A N/A


  • The school's slogan includes the words "Future" and "Equality".[2]

