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Ancient Fossil Hall is a set of background/foreground items part of the Wonder Museum gallery in the Fossil Hall. The parts appeared in the Wonder Museum Event.

Completion Prize: 30 Diamonds.

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Tyrannosaurus Rex Background: Tyrannosaurus Rex
Skeleton of Tyrannosaurus Background: Skeleton of Tyrannosaurus
Archaeopteryx the Old Wing Background: Archaeopteryx the Old Wing
Ornitholestes the Bird Robber Foreground: Ornitholestes the Bird Robber
Egg of Huayangosaurus Foreground: Egg of Huayangosaurus
Prehistoric Aquatic Fossil Background: Prehistoric Aquatic Fossil
Brontosaurus the Thunder Lizard Foreground: Brontosaurus the Thunder Lizard


Item Descriptions[]

Knowns as the 'tyrant on the land', Rex sounds like something that you can summon with a spell
— Tyrannosaurus Rex

Treasure of the museum. After knowing it eats more than Momo does, Nikki was deeply impressed.
— Skeleton of Tyrannosaurus

Archaeopteryx was the lord of the sky. There are many fairy tales related to it.
— Archaeopteryx the Old Wing

It's not big, but it's the fastest dinosaur. Sometimes even the powerful predator dragon cannot handle it.
— Ornitholestes the Bird Robber

The thorn on the back of Huayangosaurus is its symbol. There is a short film showed the birth of a cub. Welcome!
— Egg of Huayangosaurus

Excavated from a high mountain in Miraland, it keeps a clear fossil of an ancient aquatic creature.
— Prehistoric Aquatic Fossil

Brontosaurus has an amazingly long neck. Though they feed on plants, they are estimated to weigh up to 15 tonnes!
— Brontosaurus the Thunder Lizard


Name by Server[]

Complete Star Version Name (Romanized) Translation
International International (English) Ancient Fossil Hall N/A
France Flag International (French) Salle des fossiles antiques Hall of Ancient Fossils
Chinese Flag China 远古化石馆 (yuǎngǔ huàshí guǎn) Ancient Fossil Museum
Taiwanese Flag Hong Kong Flag Macau Flag
Taiwan/Hong Kong/Macau
遠古化石館 (yuǎngǔ huàshí guǎn) Ancient Fossil Museum
Japanese Flag Japan 古代化石 (kodai kaseki) Ancient Fossils
Korean Flag South Korea 화석 전시관 (hwaseog jeonsigwan) Fossil Exhibition Hall
Vietnam Flag Vietnam Phòng Trưng Bày Hóa Thạch Fossils Gallery
Indonesia Flag Indonesia Gedung Fosil Kuno Ancient Fossil Building
Thailand Flag Thailand ห้องแสดงฟอสซิล (h̄̂xng s̄ædng fxs̄sil) Fossil Show Room
Singapore Flag Southeast Asia (English) N/A N/A


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